Chapter Fifteen: I'm Allowed to Play Hero?

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        We had a couple days of rest and relaxation from the Sports Festival. I spent all of it in my house like some sort of NEET. Truthfully, I had been searching for my pills to control my ghoulish instincts. I hadn't taken them for a while, but I knew I still owned some; I simply hadn't taken them for a while. Unfortunately, I was the King of Misplacing Things and had no idea where they could possibly be. Did I drop them somewhere before I was captured? I'm sure I had them on my person.

        However, time didn't stop for me, and I had to go back to school. What a hassle. I wasn't allowed to have a couple more days off like last time, but that's alright. I walked through the streets at my usual. I got occasional stares from people. Some were filled with fear and others hate, but I also got many compliments as well. I got told to keep fighting and to never give up. Little did they know that I had not much to fight.

        I sat in my chair, a bored expression on my face. Other students eventually filed in, all still tuckered out from the festival. I received looks, no doubt, but I also received tons of questions.

        "Lucifer-San!!!" Uraraka shouted once she entered the room, making me jump. "Is it true?! Are you really being possessed by the second most wanted villain in the world and only pretending to be the second most wanted villain in the world?!" I gave her an incredulous look.

        "No," I said, my voice going up level due to how absolutely stupid the whole theory sounded. "I only pulled off that whole act to get the heroes to not kill me. I'm pretty much resistant to all mind control." I let out a shiver as I remember all the 'training' with that succubus. Never go back.

        "Then what about the girl?" Uraraka question further. "Did she..?"

        I got what she was implying, but I'm not sure if my answer would ease her or make her even more concerned. "No, she didn't die. In fact, she can't die where she's going; not what they do to people like her, anyway."

        The brunette furrowed her eyebrows. "What do you mean..?"

        I opened my mouth to explain, but I don't think I could see her face after I did, so I simply brushed off the topic. "Perhaps another time," I suggest. "It's almost time for class to start." The girl jumped to attention at the time and scurried back to her seat. Within time, the bell rang and Eraserhead entered the room.

        "Morning," he grumbled. His bandages were off, and he seemed as tired as ever. "The old lady was excessive with the treatment, but never mind that. Today we're doing something special in Hero Information class today." The class grew silent with dread, but I personally couldn't care less on what we do today. "It's time to decide your hero names." That simple statement made the class roar with excitement, and I take everything back. I would rather do anything else than this. Eraserhead activated his quirk, scaring the students into silence.

        Eraserhead went on to explain about hero agencies, and honestly I wish I were out of this class. I'm a villain, so what's the point in being in a hero's class. No one would dare have me as their understudy, not with me being the "favorite vessel" of the Witchdoctor. Eraserhead showed the amount of drafts given. Most of the focus was on Bakugou and Todoroki with the occasional draft for a few other students.

        "With that settled," he continued, "whether you were picked or not, you're still going to be working with pros. Yes, you have more experience than most other students, but seeing the pros in action and learning from them is still valuable training. While your names are only temporary, you still want to pick something appropriate..."

        "...Or else you'll be faced with utter hell," came the voice of the pro hero Midnight. She walked in with her hero costume on while doing a 'sexy' pose. "The names you choose today just may be what the world will call you tomorrow. So, pick wisely!"

The Day of the Dead Villain: The WitchdoctorWhere stories live. Discover now