Chapter Seven: So You Think You Have Talent

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(A/N: We've hit almost 400 reads, guys! That's so cool! Anyway, the song above is the one I used way down below. See ya!)

        "Oh my gosh, do you see him. His chin is so chiseled, and those thin eyes! Oh, there to die for!"

        "Are you kidding me? The best part about him is that manly jawline!"

        "What?! Obviously, his high cheekbones are what makes everyone love him."

        I sigh as I overhear the conversation made between female students. I knew it was about me since they would constantly use the term "mystery man"; following me around everywhere could also be a part of it. I have to ask, though, what kind of deluded fantasies are they having?

        First off, my chin sure as hell is not chiseled. It, in fact, is very small to the point of being called dainty. My jawline is quite sharp, but not overly so. People don't go "Wow, what a jawline you have there". No, it's more like "I've never realized how defined your jawline is until now". My eyes are nowhere near thin. They are almond-shaped, actually. I can make them thin by glaring the life out of someone, and I can make my eyelids droop to take the role of 'sexy', but naturally thin? Only in your dreams. Another thing, exactly what cheekbones are you looking at? Those things have melted into my face never to be seen again. My cheekbones are nowhere near visible, giving my face a flat, smooth texture. Before anyone comments it, my nose is small and my lips are thin. It was a young, boyish charm that I had, and it would probably go away within a few years.

        "A-Ah, they're talking about you, Witchdoctor-San," muttered Midoriya. I've recently been sitting with him, Uraraka, and Ida as to not look suspicious to any of the other students. I also didn't want fangirls smothering me when I'm usually alone at lunch.

        "You don't say," I growl, my grip strengthening around my cup as I heard them squeal. "I'm in disbelief. How can so many people know about me on only the second day?"

        Uraraka shrugs. "Things travel fast around here, I suppose. Although, I wish they weren't quite as loud."

        "Who do you think is the loudest, Uraraka-Chan?" I ask the brunette.

        "Um, well, I don't mean to be rude or anything, but the one in the middle with the glasses. Why do you ask? Are you going to do something?"

        I look back, and sure enough, there was a girl with short brown hair and purple glasses sitting in the middle of the group of girls. She was squealing, blushing, and raging with the other girls. Very annoying as a whole.

        "Nothing that will get me in trouble," I stated, standing up to make my way over to the girl. The girl was turned away from me, making the approach far easier. Time to put my great acting skills into play.

        My swift footfalls were unheard by the girl. I grab her arm, twirling her around to face me and pulling her close. She was confused for a few seconds before her face burst into a massive blush. "Bonjour, mademoiselle," I purr, scanning her eyes. I used a little trick that I learned from a couple old friends of mine and scanned the basics of her.

        Her name is Kitume Kaori, a second year. She likes romance novels, English music, so on and so forth. I now know the basics of her personality. Ah, the wonders of black magic. I really must find my friends to thank them. I have gotten away with so many things because of them.

        I release her from my grasp. "Ah, pardon. That was quite rude of me," I said, taking a bow.

        "O-oh, n-no," she sputters, waving her hands in front of her. "I-It's fine!"

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