Chapter Three: Ice, Fire, Books, and Cats

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         I was standing in the room where the bomb was located. It didn't take very long for me to notice that the bomb was made of paper mache, and I had to admit that it was quite well done. I figured out that my partners' names are Hagakure Toru and Ojiro Mashirao, and they seemed like a decent duo.

        "Alright!" Hagakure exclaimed. "I'm going all out in this!" She began to take off her gloves and shoes. I turned around and covered my eyes, knowing how some girls could get. "No looking, Ojiro-Kun!"


        "Notify me when you're finished, Hagakure-Chan," I apprise her.

        "See, look at that! Even a villain has more manners and decency than you!"

        "What the heck?!" Ojiro shouted in confusion. It's true, there's no point of looking away if I can't see anything, but it's still better to respect her privacy if she wants it.

        "Okay, done," she states. I uncover my eyes and turn back around to face my team. "You know, Witchdoctor-San, you're actually a halfway decent guy."

        I smile and put a hand to my chest. "I'm a villain, not a pervert. No one ever said that the life of villainy was reserved for pigs, but your compliment was very appreciated."

        "You're nothing at all what I expected," Ojiro claims.

        "And what did you expect?" I ask.

        He freezes up a small bit before giving his answer. "Uh, well... You know, colder, meaner, and more... evil?"

        I chuckle, but our friendly moment ended as soon as our feet were covered in ice. The ice creeped halfway up my calf, but my boots went up to my knees. Ojiro and Hagakure lightly tugged, but stopped when the skin began to rip off their feet.

        "I wouldn't suggest doing that," a voice said from the hallway. I turned the best that I could, since I was facing away, in order to put face to voice. It was the half-half haired boy, and the look on his face was rather familiar. Endeavor's son, maybe? It looks like it. "If you pull any harder, the skin will be torn from your feet. Victory is mine."

        "Silly," I say, wagging one of my fingers in a playful manner, "this is one of the reasons why I wear knee-high boots." I jump, making my boots come off in the process. I was now barefoot running around on cold, slippery ice. It wasn't my best idea in the world, but as long as I wasn't doing nothing I would be fine. Granted, I'm not sure how fast he can summon his ice - and I might have the flu or even hypothermia after this, but I couldn't give enough care to save my life.

        He clicked his tongue, sending a stream of ice at me. I step to the side, allowing the ice to barely pass me. I ran towards him, making sure to drag the blade of my staff along the ice-covered floor. I send a punch his way, the boy easily dodging it. I, of course, expected that; I would be disappointed if he didn't. I jumped back, making sure that my staff was still being dragged across the ground.

        It was the same pattern; attempt to strike, then jump back all while having my staff scrape the ice. I could tell he was he was getting annoyed. I smirked at his agitated face, finding amusement in pissing him off. He clicked his tongue, sending a stream of ice. I sigh at his futile attempt to attack me, and I ran away. However, as I took my third step, I couldn't take another step. My foot had been frozen to the icy ground. Luckily, none of this was where I had drawn the pentagram in the ice.

        "Finally caught you, bastard," he growls. "Now if you move, your skin will be forcefully removed from your body."

        I click my tongue three times in a row, mocking his poor decision. "Oh, honey, you just made things so much easier." I roughly tug at my foot, causing the ice to crack and my skin to be torn. It hurt, sure, but I've faced things many times worse. This amount of pain didn't even make me flinch. My foot broke free of the ice, bleeding profusely. His eyes were wide, slight horror reflecting in his orbs on how I could take so much pain without even a twitch. "You forget that I'm a villain; pain is part of my everyday life. Plus, most of the time I need blood in order to activate my quirk. The fastest thing I can get is my own."

The Day of the Dead Villain: The WitchdoctorWhere stories live. Discover now