Love Fest

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****Abbey's POV****

Adam and I shared a little kiss before we followed everyone out into the garden.

"Look who can share a bed now." Josh said as we walked outside. "Are you going to be going at it all night?"

"No. We might have a little cuddle but that's as far as it goes."

"Yeah we'll keep our hands to ourselves." Adam said and wrapped his arm around me. "You don't have to worry."

"Oh I'm not worried. I've been sleeping next to Eyal and Megan."


"Are you glad that Rosie's gone?" Josh asked.

"I'm not glad but I'm not as cut up as I would have been if any of the girls had gone."

"I'm glad." Adam said. "I had no feelings for her and I don't have to be wary about her now."

"Did you at all contemplate choosing Rosie?"

"No like even if Abbey has been snatched by Sam I wouldn't have picked her. I would pick anyone over her."


"I feel like she's almost a burden over me at the moment. She reminds me of my past as I'm trying to move forward."


I left Adam and Josh to talk and made my way over to the girls next to the kitchen.

"Hi." I said and they all gave me a smile but didn't reply. "Have I upset someone or something because I don't know what I've done?"

"I think it's just the fact that Adam had you and Rosie left and he chose you." Megan said. "I was really close to her and now she's gone."

"But How is that my fault? I haven't done anything."

"Also apparently you said you was glad Rosie had gone."

"I didn't say that, actually I said that wasn't the case. I would say it to her face that I'm not upset about her going but I don't wish anyone to be dumped."

"Who said that to you?"

"Josh asked me and then I straight out said no."

"Okay sorry for saying it then."

"But can I ask you all something." I said to the other girls. "Why did you feel the need to ignore me?"

"We were just upset it was nothing to do with you."

"Yeah sorry for taking out our anger on you." Zara said and gave me a hug.

"It's alright."


Night time fell upon us all and before I knew it we made our way inside to find the beds has been changed. I was now sharing with Adam on the end bed next to Josh and Georgia.

"So can I have a cuddle then?" Adam asked as we climbed in.

"For a couple of minutes. I might get too warm after a while."

"Oh yeah."

The lights fell and we all snuggled up.

"You look even more beautiful without makeup on."

"Thank you." I said. "You've actually been really nice today."

"I know. I'm trying to impress you still. That won't change."

"You know because we're in the same bed, are you going to expect us to be doing things?"

"No of course not."

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