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****Abbey's POV****

I made my way over to Ellie after everyone had cleared off and Georgia came storming through after a chat with Sam.

"So what happened then?" I asked.

"Basically when I was talking in the group Charlie interrupted me and I was annoyed. But at the whole group and he thought I was just annoyed at him. It's go got to me because after that tweet does he think I kick off at everyone."

"I don't think so. We all know you only kicked off because you had a strong connection with Laura then."

"I know and she was lonely so I had to stick up for her. I just don't know what to do now."

"You didn't want it to be a big deal so don't. Just go to sleep and focus on something else. You really don't need to be like joined at the hip and agreeing on everything."

"Yeah that's what I thought." She said. "I'm going to go to bed and deal with it tomorrow."

Bless Ellie. She is really trying and this past day hasn't been the easiest day for a new couple. I think they both need to think about things and not do anything drastic.

We made our way into the dressing room area and all the girls were getting ready for bed.

"Abbey How are you and Adam?" Georgia asked. "Did you have any arguments about the challenge?"

"No. We had that tweet about the running off with another girl but we've seen that isn't true. I have no reason to believe a tweet over him."

"Good for you." Dani said. "You've got some trust in your relationship."


I made my way into bed and found Adam was in bed with Alex having a chat.

"Come on then babe." He jumped out of the bed and scooped me up, running to our bed. "Now That you're here I'll get in."

"What was you and Alex chatting about?"

"Just how much the challenge has changed things in here. Everyone is so tense."

"This is the first test for some couples though."


"Good night baby." I said and kissed him. "I'll see you in the morning."

"I love you."

"I love you."


I got up the next morning and got changed into my black swimsuit and kaftan.

I made my down into the kitchen and found Charlie and Ellie had made up and so had Sam and Georgia.

"I'm glad they've made up you could tell Neither of them were happy last night not speaking to each other." I told Jack.

"I think the problem now though is that if they both just shoved it under the bed then it's not been dealt with and it'll come up again."

"Is that way they're doing?"

"That's what I heard and now they're cuddling so I presume so."

"That will only work if he's accepted that they can do that and I don't think he has."



I made my way up to the balcony with Dani and Ellie later on that morning.

"So here's the thing right girls. I was speaking to Jack before and basically his family sold their business for 400 million."

"400 million?"

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