Mr and Mrs

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****Abbey's POV****

We all got out of the pool and Adam went inside to get us both towels before we sat back down again.

"Are you still cold?" Adam asked after wrapping me in a towel and sitting me next to the fire pit.

"No I'm fine." I curled into him. "Aren't Hey so cute though?"

"Yeah. I think they're like the dream couple to have in here. You can go to them for everything."

"I think she's come to like you as well."

"Yeah she wasn't exactly my biggest fan was she?"

"No but then most people weren't in here at some point. I didn't like you at the start."

"Do you reckon we could be like them?"

"Play your cards right and you'll see what happens. It's all in your court."

"You know I'll be faithful to you. I really want this to work. But then I'm also wary because I know some girl may come in here and want you."

"I won't like them more than you though hopefully. We've just got to see how things go."



"Come here you softie." He said and pulled me into his lap. "Lets get you warm."


I managed to dry off and then Ellie and Zara came over with Megan.

"Can I tell you all something?" Ellie asked. "I feel like I don't know what to do with Alex. These past few days I've just been feeling like there's no sexual attraction there."

"Did you want there to be?" I asked.

"Of course. Like on the outside I was watching thinking why aren't any of you girls interested. But then I got in here and I can see it's more than the fact he's a nice person."

"That's Exactly It." I told her. "I love Alex and I know he hold treat me so well but I need that excitement."

"I had it." Megan said. "I really wanted to like him as well. But with Eyal there's that extra attraction."

"Definitely. I couldn't imagine being sexual with him."

"I want to almost by bubble wrap him and keep him innocent."

"Ahhh." I told her. "But now you've got to tell him. It's never going to be nice knowing that you've been talking about him to us."

"I will. I just want to sleep on it."


We made our way inside for the night and I got straight into bed after getting changed.

"Hey gorgeous." Adam said and lifted up the duvet for me. "What you doing here?"

"A cuddle. I have a feeling things will kick off tomorrow."

"Who with?"

"Alex and Ellie. She told us tonight that things aren't going well between them and I think Alex thinks things are good."

"Have you told him?"

"No. I told her she needs to tell him and she said she would. It's not my place to say at the moment."


"Anyway. I just want to forget about it all and have a night in peace." I said and cuddled into his chest. "You're really hot."

"Don't need to remind me Babe."


I woke up the next morning and I went into the changing room to get into my white bikini.

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