♥️ C͞͞i͞͞c͞͞e͞͞r͞͞o͞͞ x͞͞ R͞͞e͞͞a͞͞d͞͞e͞͞r͞͞ ♥️

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(Gore Warning)

         "Listener,  are you trying to give poor poor Cicero a heart attack?!" The fool grabs you and helps you to a seat. He gently rests his gloved blood-soaked hand on your cheek.

"Cicero please I'm fine-" You mutter, looking over the trail of death and destruction you've left in your wake. These bandits were particularly tough for, well, bandits. You had been sputtering up blood from variety of maces that had been swung at your chest and Cicero was being his overbearing self.
You sort of loved it though. The way he desperately wanted to protect you, it was cute.
Plus with you being so reckless all the time you probably needed the reality check.

"Listener, do you have any healing potions on you?" He asked, flashing you puppy dog eyes that seemed to make you melt every time.

"Always do." You reach into your bag and pull out a small little pink bottle and chug it violently.
Tastes like shit.
"Happy now?" You ask, smiling at your companion.

"Cicero is always happy as long as his Listener is happy!"
You chuckle and plant a kiss on his nose, making him blush a fitting shade of red.
"L-Listener!" He hugs you, swinging you up onto your feet. "Cicero doesn't know what he'd do without you!"

"And I don't know what I'd do without my little fool!" You hug him back, planting several other kisses along his cheek as he hums a tune you've heard too often.
You finally let go of each other, your hands falling into his automatically.
"What do you say to a little bit more fun!? There's a particularly high bounty on some hags and they're nearby~"
You and him seem to dance through the array of corpses, stepping in puddles of blood and somehow managing to avoid the severed limbs. Before ether of you know it your actually dancing through the massacre that you both created.

"Ah that would be lovely my Listener!"
He cheers, dipping you down inches away from a orc with a popped out of place collar bone.
"Then again any place is lovely with you!"
You scoff, giving him a eye roll.

"Now please I'm not that amazing-"

"Oh oh oh! But you are my dearest Listener! I'd say Sithis himself would be jealous not getting to know you first hand~!"

"Aweee Cicero!" You squeak before he jerks you back up. "Cicero, anyone who doesn't love you is certainly," you lean into his ear, "foolish."
You both chuckle a bit before sighing wistfully.
"Sorry, that was bad."

"Well work on it my Listener~" He laughs and you two spin your way right out of the camp.
"Now which way do we go?"

"South towards the rift my lovely fool~!"
You pull away from each other reluctantly, deciding to just hold hands for the rest of the walk.
You squeeze his palm with a smile on your lips.

"Alrighty then Listener!" He chirps, taking the first step forward, dragging you along.
You loved his attitude so much. You needed that positivity in your life, even if it was a bit sadistic and sometimes actually masochistic. However you were hardly one to talk.
You grin even wider, you just had the best idea that'll make this trip even more fun.

"Yonk!" You squeak, jumping up and grabbing his hat. You free your hand and run forward, only stopping for a minute to turn to look at him.
He looks a bit shocked before getting the hint and bolting after you.
You rush through the forest, hopping over roots and rocks at every turn.
Then you notice something that really triggers your flight or fight response.
He's gaining on you.
"Oh shit..!" You forgot how fast he was actually. Quite the pickle you've gotten yourself into isn't it?
Then the opportunity comes for a dashing escape, the hot springs that the rift were notorious for were coming up.
You sprint through some very shallow water and up onto a rock jutting out of it in the center.
If there's one thing Cicero can't stand it's getting wet.
"Ha! I've won!" You exclaim, throwing your hands in the air in triumph, the hat sitting safely on your head.

Cicero stops suddenly at the edge of the water, "Good work my Listener!" He claps for you, although it's a bit awkward.
One person clapping always is.
"Now can you come down from there?"

You snicker, sitting down on the edge of the rock.
"Come and get me!"

"Listeneeeer!" He whines, pouting.
Crossing one leg over the other he shoots you a pleading look.
You laugh with a charming arrogance, hiding your mouth behind the back of you hand, throwing your head back dramatically.

Just before you can continue boasting about your victory a flash of lighting swerves past your nose, nearly hitting you.
"Oh right, the hags." You mutter, throwing the hat back to where Cicero is. You look over them. There was three in total, the rule of three is so annoying.
"Well shit, let's get this started."  You slide off the rock, taking out the now infamous blade of woe.
Cicero put his hat back on and started to laugh under his breath, immediately charging towards one of the hags.
You loved how he used his ebony blade.
He was swift, messy, and precise with every slice and cut.
"That's my favorite fool!" You yell, shooting forward and setting your hand on fire as you plunge you hand and your dagger all the way into a hags chest, the flames burning the flesh around the wound before you yank your hand back out. Bitch didn't even get the chance to say anything before she falls to the ground, eyes rolling into the back of her head.


The third hag is now very aware of what she's gotten into. Cicero was still finishing off the first hag but he would be done with her soon. A little lightning and fire wasn't going to stop that whirlwind.
You crack the wrist of your left hand, charging up a fire ball.
Magic? Magic was never a problem for ether of you, Cicero was usually too fast to hit from a distance and too unpredictable to judge where he was going to be next.
You? Well you were used to fire to say the least and you could endure quite a bit of magic. Brute force wasn't your speciality but you've always had a certain resistance to being killed anyway.
You happened to be extremely lucky.

"Poor cow. I almost feel bad for you." You hiss as the fireball grows larger and the hag seems to speed further away. Clearly she wasn't the most intelligent of the bunch because she continently trips over the roots of a dead tree.
"Whoopsie." You charge forward and toss the fireball, to which she of course puts up a spell ward.
Typical and boring. You simply walk over to her as she has her foot caught.
You feel a hand on your shoulder.
Cicero was done with the first hag, finally.

"May I watch Listener?"
He asks, blood dripping off of him. Thankfully it wasn't his.

"Of course~"

((Sorry this is sort of all over the place, I'm on a bit of writers block QwQ.
Anyhow, dedicated to @mizuki_sukigara because you asked for it ^^))
(( Song suggestion; P!ATD - Dancings not a crime ))

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