🔑Vex x Reader🔑

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     (Looking back I hate this ending but it hints at s*x so- warning)

      Now, you and Vex have always had a somewhat... complicated relationship. She wasn't the warm type to begin with but something about you must of caught her lovely green eyes..
Perhaps it was the way you walked, or the way your voice rang in the air, just the way you carried yourself maybe? It could be your looks or how skilled you are as a thief. Even your position as guild master might have something to do with it but you try to brush away that thought. Vex never sucked up to anyone and that included the infamous Maven Black-Briar (whom you hate dearly but who doesn't..?)

The thing is, she keeps crossing your mind as well. Her stern voice, her pale coin-like skin... She gave off such a one-woman army vibe and it tended to scare people off.

You however? No no no. It only drew you closer and closer to her.

"Vex." You ask, hoping to not seem as nervous as you felt. "Are you free tonight?"
The blond looks at you and raises a eyebrow.
"Well yes, yes I am. Why?"

"Well I was thinking..." You notice Delvin's eyes on you, a smirk on his face. Jackass. "...about going for a soak in the hot springs? With you maybe? I just got a semi-free case of some Black-Briar exclusives. We could try them out together and talk... and stuff."
Really smooth Casanova. At least you could blame Delvin and his stupid face. You didn't hate the guy but he defiantly made it hard to be chill around Vex. He tended to set her off and even if you were in love with the woman no one wanted to see her angry. Ever.

Vex chuckles under her breath, actually smiling. This sends the blood directly to your cheeks in a astounding shade of red.
"So my boss wants to take me out on a date?" She pauses and looks you over once or twice, she just had to say yes.
You'd simply die of embarrassment if she didn't.
"Yeah, sure, anything is better than Delvin."

You can't help grinning like a doofus at her answer. "Great! I'll see you then. I'll be there just before nightfall!"


You sigh and start to strip off your guild armor, leaving only your under garments on, and get on your knees. You stick one hand into the water to test it out.
"Perfection." You mumble to yourself before sliding in.
The rather large crate of beers sat just above your shoulder and the sun was just about ready to sink below the mountains..

You were so focused on the thought of being with Vex you didn't even notice when she actually showed up.
"Hey boss." She hums, sliding into the water next to you.

You look over at her, a uncontrollable grin on your face. "Hey Vex, how's my favorite thief doing today?"

"Great, now that I'm here with you."
She leans over and to your surprise, she plants a kiss on your cheek.
You let out a squeak of astonishment and lean away a bit.
"What?" Vex stifles a laugh, "This is a date isn't it (y/n)?"
You put your hand over the spot she smooched and oh so cliche-ishly think that you'll never wash that cheek again.

"Yeah. I mean- yes."

"Alright now-" Vex yanks a snowberry based concoction from the crate before  flicking the top off with a knife. "Let's do what we came here to do."
You nod and grab a drink as well, having a good feeling about the rest of the night.

However you didn't predict it would lead to more sensual things later on.

(( Song suggestion: Put your head on my shoulder - Paul Anka (Floreyyyyy Remix) ))

((Oh hey jeezums it's been awhile. I sort of lost who this was written for but I did it?? Sorta?? I don't know I've been lazy with Wattpad lately so I'm sorry!!))

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2020 ⏰

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