Part 3: The Booth

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You stared at the overly drunk Ochaco, who was slightly swaying back and forth on her bar stool seat. The music blared in your ears and the club's flashing, colourful lights danced acrossed her flushed face. Ochaco blissfully smiled at you, as if she didn't have a care in the world.

I mean, she probably doesn't...considering she is drunk... You thought.

Momo approached the two of you from within the bar. Momo looked at Ochaco. She raised her eyebrow as she then looked over at you. You placed your hand on your hip and shrugged, just as confused as she was at how your friend had gotten so belligerent.

Momo leaned in over the bar as she went to say something. You placed your arms on the bar's surface and leaned towards her as well.

"What's up with her? How did she get so drunk?" Momo asked over the music. Purple and green spotlights quickly passed by the back of her head.

You glanced at Ochaco. She was muttering to herself, which was incoherent to you both.

"Beats me. I found her touching two guys' abs on the dance floor. All three of them were smashed, so I'm guessing she got drunk with them." You explained, turning back to face Momo. She nodded, her gaze focused back on the brunette. Momo pursed her lips together as she looked at Ochaco with concern.

Ochaco was too drunk to keep working and you knew it. Usually, on the rare occasions that one of you gets too drunk, you are sent home or sat in the employee room until closing, when one of the other workers can give you a lift home. You didn't trust sending her away in a cab by herself, so you decided that letting her pass out on the employee sofa until you could bring her home was the best course of action.

"Come on you. Enough touching strangers' abs and drinking too much liqour. Let's get you to the room." You said as you delicately went to put your arm on her shoulder, but she swatted your hand away. You furrowed your eyebrows at her, confused at her sudden hostility, but her face never wavered from her smile. "What was that for?" You asked holding your hand.

"I'm hungry, [Y/n]~" Ochaco said in a sing-song voice. "Let's ditch this place and grab a burger! Oh my gosh! Lets *hiccup* ...lets invite ...*hiccup* the boys~" She leaned forward and sloppily grabbed onto your arms. You had to catch her as she continued to lean into you. You held up her full weight as she looked back at your face. "It can be...a date~" She whispered, giggling at the end.

"Well, " You said adjusting her position so her arm was around your shoulders. "I still have to work the rest of the night and you already have a date with the sofa in the employee's room. So let's go." You wrapped your one arm around her waist and hoisted her out of her seat. Ochaco leaned all her weight on you and walked as if she were trying to tango. You were navigating around groups of customers chatting at the many tables that littered the right half of the club. Suddenly, you linked eyes with Midoriya across the room. He had a tray of drinks in his hand and was placing them on a table for a group of wealthy looking young men and women. He quickly finished placing down their drinks and took their tips. His dark curls flopped as he speed walked over to you two.

He darted his eyes from you to Ochaco several times, giving you a confused look each time.

"Ochaco?" He said catching the girl's attention. Her smile doubled as she looked at the boy.

"Deku!!~" She flung herself off you and onto him. His reflexes were fast as he caught her in his muscular arms. He looked down at her, worry written all over his face.

You placed your hand on his shoulder, his green eyes seemed to glow under the club's lights as he looked back at you. You sent him a warm smile. "Do you mind taking care of her? Just put her on the sofa with a can in case she gets sick, you know the drill. I don't want to leave you and Tsuyu alone on the floor."

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