Part 7: Goodnight

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"Oi," The sound of Bakugou's deep voice in the quiet car sent a jolt of electricity down your spine. You looked over at him. The car crawling along the road. "We're on your street, which place is yours again?" He asked, scanning the rows of townhouses, each lined up next to each other like dominos.

"Oh!" You perked up, knowing that you'd soon be out of this car and away from the sexual tension that was slowly eating away at you the entire car ride. "It isssss..." You said, drawing out the word as you searched for the familiar apartment. "That one on the right!" You pointed to your place, which looked the exact same as the others, only difference being it had a bright yellow mailbox next to the front door.

Katsuki slowly pulled into the small driveway, being careful not to get his car dirty. He stopped the car. You noticed the gear shift was a grenade.

"Alright well," You looked up at Bakugou, a little surprised he was staring directly at you with his all-too-familiar intense gaze. You swallowed a lump in your throat, your stomach fluttering with butterflies once again. "I better get my friend..." You stated, referring to the passed out Ochaco in the back.

Katsuki unbuckled his seat belt and opened his door. "Yeah right." He sarcastically retorted.

Unbuckling yourself, you threw your bag over your shoulder and followed him as he stepped out of his side of the car. The doors lifted over the roof of the car, like a baby chick lifting its wings for the first time. You walked over to Bakugou's side of the car, the tall blond already leaning down to pull Ochaco out of the back seat.

"Seriously I got it from here, Bakugou! You've already done so much by giving us a ride home!" You protested placing a hand on his back.

The man glanced over his shoulder at you. He gently let go of Ochaco, her body sliding back down onto the car seat. He stood up straight, placing his hands on his hips.

"Fine then," He gestured to the drunk girl. "Go ahead. Show me how it's done then since you're so persistent and confident." He sarcastically stated, knowing full well you couldn't pick your friend up.

Huffing, you readjusted your bag strap and leaned down to Ochaco. Linking your arms under her shoulders you sucked in a breath as you attempted to pull her weight up. But, it failed. You just looked like a struggling chipmunk to Katsuki; your cheeks full of air. You gasped as you let all the air leave your lungs and Ochaco slip from your grip. You could practically feel the cocky smirk on Katsuki's face.

"Move aside," He stated, his voice lighter than usual as he nudged you to move. You complied, swallowing your pride and stepping out of the way. Katsuki lifted Ochaco effortlessly out of the back of his car and over his shoulder. Turning to your red face, his smirk almost turned into a small smile. "That was kind of pathetic you know."

You turned away, stomping up the driveway to your door. "Whatever!! I'm injured okay?! My body is focusing on healing my arm not lifting her drunk ass out of your stupid sexy sports car!"

Katsuki followed you up the driveway, snorting at your excuse.

You shoved your key into your door. Bakugou walked up behind you.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, princess. And you think my car's sexy?" Katsuki asked thoroughly entertained.

Your face deepened in its shade of red. Quickly, you unlocked the door and rushed in. Throwing your bag down next to a small coffee table in your entrance way, you turned to glare at the male. A giddy feeling filling you up as you stared at his smirk and playful eyes.

"I mean, it's alright. Would be a lot sexier if the driver wasn't such a show off." You teased, mockingly flexing your bicep.

Bakugou's lips parted as he smiled, his perfect white teeth shining through. You mentally swore as his smile made him 100 times more handsome than before.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2022 ⏰

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