Part 2: 3/6

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You lifted the shot glass full of rum to your mouth and quickly threw back your head. The warm smooth liquid ran down your taste buds and seemingly into your veins. The liquid immediately ignited fire under your skin that travelled all the way down to your toes. You smiled as you looked at the group of girls around you, standing in the middle of the large dance floor. People drank, danced, and blissfully grinded the night away around you. The music was so loud that it would be impossible to hear what someone standing next to you was trying to say.

Mina dipped her body down a pole in the middle of the stage in front of you, just as the beat dropped in the song. She wore a dark blue lace body suit. Men around her section of the stage shoved dollar bills into her outfit, drooling over her body and moves.

Ochaco stood a few meters away, filling up shot glasses for a group of young men. Tsuyu was on the other side of the dance floor, pouring a shot for herself and another female.

Colourful lights flashed and moved around to the beat of the music playing.

The group of women yelled some incoherent words to you and each handed you a tip, before disappearing into the dancing crowd.

Looking around, you felt the weight of the alcohol sink into your skin even more. Your chest felt warm, your thighs tingled, and your body felt light. Your cheeks slightly burned as you made your way through the dancing crowd towards the bar. You felt as if you were in some other world. Reality outside no longer existed, it was just the inside of the club. U.A. had that effect people, making it addictive.

You began walking towards the outskirts of the dancing crowd, trying to get to the bar. You swiftly twisted and moved your body around people to get past. The base of the song playing was so strong you felt it pulse in your chest.

Suddenly, you come to a stop as three bodies stood in your way. Each one was toned, muscular, and towered over you. Your eyes slowly traveled up their sturdy torsos'. Their biceps and shoulder muscles appeared to barley fit inside their buttoned up shirts. As your eyes met with theirs your breath hitched for a split second. Each of the men standing in front of you were impossibly handsome, dripping in sex appeal and confidence.

They smirked down at you, each eyeing up your body and bottle of booze in your hand.

"Say, a beautiful girl such as yourself wouldn't happen to work here, would you?" One of the young men yelled over the music, bending forward slightly to close in some distance between your faces.

He had dirty blond locks of straight hair that fell around his face. A black streak, dyed into the left side of his bangs was in the shape of a lightening bolt. His mischievous caramel eyes held your gaze intensely and his skin was so clear you swear it looked like silk. He wore a faded yellow button up shirt, leaving the top three buttons undone. He smirked, his perfect white teeth slightly exposed for you to see. A pair of sunglasses dangled from his shirt pocket.

The red headed man standing to his right slapped the back of his shoulder. "Bro! Of course she works here, she's in a uniform!" He yelled, his voice came out much huskier than you thought, as his face was somewhat gentle appearing. His short red hair was styled atop his head to point straight up into the air. He was taller and way more buff than the other two. His broad shoulders bulged out of his black, short sleeved button up shirt. His biceps popped out of his sleeves as he folded his muscular arms over his strong chest. He tilted his head toward the ceiling, flexing his sharp jawline as he smiled down at you.

The third man, also standing tall beside the red head laughed when he smacked their dirty blond friend. He was built similar to the red head, only he was wearing a deep blue long sleeve and had slightly longer locks of silver/grey hair. He let out a loud, hearty laugh that reminded you of heavy metal clashing together. His eyes seemed to smile when he laughed. He smelt of smooth cologne and out of the three of them, seemed to ooze the most confidence.

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