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371,372 commentsCaught Lisa taking a picture of me and TaeTae
lalalalisa_m hehe 😅
jinnie you two are really cute! I'm jealous I still haven't found anyone yet
christianchimchim Taehyung's little ponytail 😂
taejack nice eye Jichu,I didn't even notice Lisa-ah taking a picture
jennierubyjane is that the glasses I gave you Taehyung oppa on thanksgiving?
taejack yeah 😊
monie the younger ones having girlfriends before us
justineseagull I'm single hyung 😑
yeonki-min and I'm the taken one
monie okay then..ChimChim,TaeTae,and Yoongs hyung having girlfriends before us
roses_are_rosey you two are adorable 😀
christianchimchim em I not adorable!?
roses_are_rosey of course you're adorable,sheez
justineseagull jelly hyung not getting attention even from his girlfriend 😂
christianchimchim shut it single Maknae 😑
jdope thanks for having us by the way Lisa-ah
lalalalisa_m no probs 😉
jdope good thing Jisoo-ah joined us,her cooking is delicious
taejack agreed hyung👍
sooyaa__ kamsamhida Hoseok oppa
jdope no problem Jisoo-ah 😁
jinnie why didn't you guys invited me 😤
lalalalisa_m me,Hoseok oppa,TaeTae oppa,and Jichu unnie are partners for a chemistry project,that's why I invited them over 😊
jinnie still 😑
sooyaa__ then come over at my apartment tomorrow 😐
jinnie yay! 😄
monie you sound like a little kid wanting a lollipop from his mom,hyung
jinnie who cares 😄
jennierubyjane but unnie...tomorrow is our girls day remember? No boys allowed
sooyaa__ oh yeah...oops,maybe next time oppa 😀
christianchimchim no boys! That means we won't get to hang out with our girlfriends
roses_are_rosey sorry ChimChim 😁
jennierubyjane don't tell them where all of us will hang out 😊
lalalalisa_m lips are sealed,can't wait for tomorrow!
yeonki-min great..I'm stuck with annoying people 😒
taejack why Jichu 😭
sooyaa__ me and the girls always have girls day every Fridays and Saturdays remember? In Sunday we can all hang out anyway 😊
christianchimchim wow..what are we gonna do when we don't have our girlfriends 😒
roses_are_rosey don't you have your hyungs and dongsasaengs? Yes,then hang out with them
monie's like were left out now
jdope we're gonna get girlfriends soon anyway ☺
jinnie come over at my apartment boys,we're having a boys day as well,no girls allowed 😄
yeonki-min I'll bring my neck pillow so I can sleep
monie cook food tomorrow hyung 😀
jinnie you bet I will
jdope two days without girls,what harm can it be 😁
sooyaa__ welp good luck with the two days without us
justineseagull yeahhhhhhh...we'll need it
taejack now it's back with the two days without my jagiya 😣
sooyaa__ chill TaeTae,it's just two days
lalalalisa_m meet you guys there at 7:00 AM sharp
jennierubyjane Kay 👍
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Short StoryDOUBLE TROUBLE | ❝It hurts to see you with someone else❞ INSTAGRAM ©-lilydarling