✶ᴛʀᴇᴀᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ʙᴇᴛᴛᴇʀ II ✶

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Jisoo was sitting with her hands hugging her knees as she was sitting in the grassy part of the top of the mountain.She was looking at the sky,her dried tears was visible and almost she was about to cry again.

Jisoo still loved Taehyung,He was her first love,her first boyfriend.Her love for him is ridiculous as what her friends would say,but she didn't care.

She began to remember some memories of her and Taehyung.


"Jisoo-ah! Where are you!"

Jisoo giggled silently as she was hiding behind a bush.She and Taehyung we're in a park in Paris,France when Taehyung took them there for their 3rd year anniversary.

"Boo!" Exclaimed Taehyung as Jisoo almost screamed in shock.Both of them laugh together as Taehyung helped Jisoo get up.

Jisoo brushed the dirt on her jeans as she grab out her phone.She went to the camera and pressed video as she began to record Taehyung.

"Taehyungie!" Said Jisoo behind her phone as Taehyung turn around and gave the Phone a smile before handing Jisoo a Daisy he picked up.

"Thank you,Taehyungie" thanked Jisoo before placing the flower behind her ear.

"Why are you recording?" Asked Taehyung.

"I'll send this to Jin oppa" answered Jisoo."You know how is.He wants to see what we are doing here in France".

"Well then Hi Hyung!" Said Taehyung before waving to the phone with his famous box smile.

"Hey Jisoo,join m–

"Jisoo noona!"

Jisoo was interrupted from her thoughts when she saw Jungkook running towards her.he sure can notice me from a mile away

Jisoo got up before running away from Jungkook,running as fast as she can.

Tho,she didn't outrun Jungkook as he was a fast runner.She then felt someone backhug her.

"J-Jungkook" stuttered Jisoo.

"Taehyung breaked your heart really badly ,huh?" Said Jungkook as he let go of Jisoo.

"I-I won't say badly" stuttered Jisoo."He is my first boyfriend".

"You noticed his feelings for you but you didn't notice my feelings for you" said Jungkook as Jisoo froze."I'm your friend for many years and yet you noticed his feelings first".

"I-Im sorry Jungkook" stuttered Jisoo."I didn't know you liked me.My love for you back then was just a sinking love".

"What about now?" Asked Jungkook.

"I-I don't know" responded Jisoo."I still love Taehyung and I've dated him for four years.Even if I started to date you,that will affect our friendship,Kookie.Heck,it will also affect you and Taehyung's friendship as well".

"It will never affect our friendship,Chikin" said Jungkook."Me and V hyung will just sort things out sooner of later..somehow,if Jin hyung won't be that angry about him".

"I'll just need some time to settle my feelings,Kookie" said Jisoo."You never know...maybe I like you back,or even deeper,maybe I love you back".

Before Jungkook can say anything,Jisoo left him.


𝘿𝙊𝙐𝘽𝙇𝙀 𝙏𝙍𝙊𝙐𝘽𝙇𝙀 | 𝖲𝖮𝖮𝖪𝖮𝖮𝖪 𝖥𝖳. 𝖳𝖠𝖤𝖲𝖮𝖮Where stories live. Discover now