✶ᴛʀᴇᴀᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ʙᴇᴛᴛᴇʀ I✶

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"Unnie! Open up! Jebal!" Exclaimed Lisa,tears starting to form in her eyes as she bang on her unnie's door.

"Unnie,open up! We can talk this out! Just the four of us!" Said Chaeyoung in a soft voice.

Chaeyoung wanted to punch Taehyung in the face,but she couldn't as Taehyung was still her boyfriend's friend.Jisoo mean the world to her,Jisoo was there for them when they cry,Jisoo was there to help them with their struggles,Jisoo was their shoulder to cry on when their Ex-boyfriends broke up with them.Chaeyoung felt guilty she haven't done anything to bring back what her Unnie has done to them.

Jennie,on the other hand.Was trying to keep in her tears.She's the second eldest in their small group,meaning she's the second responsible one.Jisoo and her we're the closest in the group,Jisoo and Jennie met each other first before they met both of their dongsasaengs.Jennie wanted to be strong,for herself and for her friends.Jennie was furious at Taehyung,Taehyung was Jisoo's first love,meaning Taehyung was Jisoo's first ever boyfriend.Jennie wanted to yell at him,But his friends are the ones that will do those to him.After all,Taehyung and Jungkook are the reasons why they became friends with the others.

While the girls we're busy begging on their unnie to open her door.Bangtan and Bambam we're busy trying to calm an angry Jin.

Jin was really furious.His best friend for many Years just broke his sister's heart.Jin and Jisoo are known not only with their looks,but their inseparable bond.Jisoo has Jin's back,while Jin has her's.

Suddenly,they all heard running footsteps.They all turn their heads and see Jungkook,who then stop running and pause as he hold his knees while panting.

"You run all the way here!" Said Jimin as he run towards the Golden Maknae and give him a bottle of water.

"The Ubers we're all occupied so I had no choice but to run here" said Jungkook,tho not taking the bottle of water as he went towards Jisoo's bedroom door.

"Noona" called Jungkook."It's me,Jungkook".

He received to response.Lisa,Chaeyoung,and Jennie all step aside as Jungkook tried to turn the knob but it was locked.

He grab out Jisoo's bedroom key from his pocket as the girl's eyes widened.

"How come my sister gave you a spare key to her room while she gave me none?" Asked Jin.

Jungkook gave a shrug before unlocking the door as he push open the door and step inside,the rest follow behind him.

His eyes widened as Jisoo was nowhere in sight but a broken vase on the floor,a tied rope stocking out from the open window.

"Why did she went out the window?" Asked Bambam.

"I swear if my Jichu has a single scratch on her,I'm blaming it all on Taehyung" said Jin,who was still a bit furious.

"Where could she have gone to?" Asked Bambam.

"I think we have answers for that" answered Jennie,who grabbed all her friend's attentions."Jisoo always tells us places she goes whenever she feels down and wants peace"

"where?" Asked Jungkook,worry is noticed from his tone.

"There's the Treehouse Jisoo's grandparents built in her aunt's place,the private coffee shop she always goes to every morning,Her friend's apartment that is always empty because her friend is in China. and lastly.....the mountains" answered Jennie.

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