What's That? Engaged? No Way...

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My head was cocked to the side, a confused expression on my face. My tail waved back and forth behind me. Shima seemed to find what he was looking for because he straightened up and glanced back at me.

"No way...he's not going to..."

"This guy, the lady loving pervert of the school and the adorable little shy girl..."

"There is no way he's really about to..."

There was a loud mess of mixing conversation coming from the crowd. The cram school kids all turned around and shushed them to the best of their abilities.

"Listen, even if we haven't been together THAT long, I still...I care about you and stuff and...Damnit I knew I should have prepared a speech or something..." Shima sighed, "Look, what I'm trying to say is that I love you a lot," he'd begun to slowly make his way back over towards me, "All those nights we spent falling asleep in each other's arms after watching some dumb movie and laughing like a couple of idiots...the little picnics we had in the shade of that tree on the cliff because we're both too poor to go on fancy dates...the way you'd smile at me and made me get a bit red in the face like nobody else can... I don't ever want that to end. Every time I kiss you, no matter if it's the first or the one hundredth time, I still feel the sparks going off inside of me. Even though we've...uh...h-had sex a considerable amount of times, every time feels like my very first. You were my first for a lot of things...Which I know is surprising, given my reputation, but you were the first girl I ever felt this way about... You're my first serious relationship, you were my first kiss and we took each other's virginities...Which I know sounds like total BS...But it's true..." Shima was now kneeling in front of me one of his hands holding with mine, the other holding something just out of my sight. "I wanna be with you forever...and someday, I want you to be chasing our little brats around our house while they call you "Mommy." But uh..." he laughed nervously, "Not any time soon."

I giggled and nodded in agreement.

"So... I guess I should get to the point, shouldn't I?" Shima smiled, "Well, what I wanted to ask is...will you marry me?"

Even though I knew he was going to say it, having him actually say it made my entire body spark with excitement and embarrassment, as well as love. My eyes got just a bit wider and my heart began to beat even faster than it already was. All I could do was nod, so I nodded until he stopped me. I watched as he slipped a beautiful ring onto my finger.

"I hope you like it...it's got a little ruby and two little aquamarines, and a little citrine," Shima rubbed the back of his head shyly.

"Renzo Shima, you absolute nerd," I gushed as I pulled his face up to mine. I kissed him for a moment before he pulled away and stood up. Then, he pushed me onto my back, climbed onto the bed on top of me, and began to kiss me passionately.

A cheer erupted from the crowd, followed by lots of clapping. Shima laced his fingers with mine and pinned me to his bed as he continued kissing me. The entire world went blank except for Shima and I. Unfortunately, we had to breathe. Shima reluctantly pulled back and we stared at each other, breathing heavily.

"What in the world is going on here?" one of the teachers shouted over the crowd.

"Uh oh," Shima chuckled breathlessly as he pulled away, standing up. He held out his hand and I took it, standing to my feet. I wobbled unsteadily and grabbed onto Shima for support. He put his arm around me, smiling innocently as the teacher entered the room.

"What is the purpose of this?" the teacher crossed his hands over his chest and looked at Shima and I.

"Well...you see...." Shima laughed nervously.

"Oh give them a break. They just got engaged," Shura laughed, putting her hands on her hips.

"E-engaged?!" the teacher looked at us in shock.

"Uh y-yeah," Shima looked down at me and ruffled my hair. I grinned and looked up at him.

"This has to be a joke..." the teacher shook his head in disbelief. He had both of us in class and he knew Shima's reputation.

"Nope, he got her an expensive ass ring and everything," Shura grinned, crossing her arms under her chest.

"Jesus...," the teacher pinched the bridge of their nose, shaking their head as they walked off.

"Well um..." I murmured, causing Shima's attention to turn back to me, "I guess I can never live another day normally ever again..."

Shima laughed, "Guess not."

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