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—Your POV—
Yuri. I motioned to a doctor and they rolled their eyes and walked over. «почему я здесь?» (Why am I here?) I said. I cleared my throat and tried again. "Why am I here?" I asked. "You stabbed yourself,
You almost died but we saved you." They said and walked out. I looked at my phone and I got a lot of texts from Yuri.
Yuri💕: Hey, I'm sorry I had to leave. I love you.
Yuri💕: God, I hope you read these
Yuri💕: I'm so so so sorry for leaving
Yuri💕: Hello?
Yuri💕: Y/n?
Yuri💕: Oh no, your dead aren't you.
Yuri💕: Y/n I'm sorry but I can't come back
Yuri💕: I'm sorry for all the texts
Yuri💕: Are you okay?
God damn, so many texts. But I can't blame him.
Y/n: I'm fine, what happened?
I asked but he didn't respond. A minute later he called me.
"Hi, Y/n."
"Hey Yuri! What happened?"
"You put a knife in your chest and I took you to the hospital, luckily the knife missed most of your organs, but it got a little of your heart. They had to be super careful and you almost died. I was crying a lot, but right in the middle or when they were almost done, I left because Kaitlin texted."
"Oh, is she with you now?"
"Oh god no, of course she's not."
"Haha, anyway, I survived. I need to tell you something next time we see each other in person."
"Okay, and May I ask, who was that girl at the park?"
"Her name was Pana. She was nice, the kiss meant nothing, I was feeling a little bi curious and she just kissed me."
"Oh, are you feeling bi curious again?"
"What do you mean?"
"Do you want to test if you like guys?" He said seductively
"Yes, but not now."
"Okay, see you later."
"Bye." I said and hung up. From that point I had to wait for Yuuri to get me and just played a game on my phone until then. When Yuuri got here, he asked, "Are you okay?"
"Yeah." I said and laughed. He took me to his house and we horribly and stupidly danced to Panic at the Disco and I got another text from Yuri.
Yuri 💕: Do you still want to go to the concert tonite?
Yuri 💕: Hulk?
Yn: Heck, hell and fuck.
Yuri 💕: Oh, makes sense.
I put my phone down and immediately got a notification from Instagram, I didn't even know I had it. Apparently Kaitlin was adopted and just found out. Her real dad killed himself and her mom lives with her daughter-WAIT!! I ran to my moms house and viciously knocked on the door. "WHAT?!"
"Am I adopted?"
"Are you sure?"
"YES. I PUT UP YOUR OLDER SISTER FOR ADOPTION AFTER YOU WERE BORN BUT THATS IT." She said and I ran out in shock. I went to Kaitlin's HUGE house, and knocked on the door. She was sitting on her couch with Yuri and I just blurted out, "Kaitlin I think we're sisters!"
"What? No. That's not possible." She said in disbelief and walked up to me. "It is, do you have $1000?" I asked. "Obviously." She said. I grabbed her hand and Yuri's car keys and drove to the hospital to get a DNA test and it's true, we are sisters. "No no no no no, this can't be happening." She said starting to get a panic attack. "It is." I said and she stopped pacing and smiled. "That means, that I can pick on you more, and more intensely." She said and looked at me still smiling. "Why does it mean that?"
"Because we are related, but no one can know. If you tell ANYONE, you will die, literally." She said and cackled. "Although, that's what I've been trying to do anyway." She said as she walked out. A minute later Yuri came running in. "ARE YOU OKAY? You know you are NOT suppose to be driving Y/n!!"
"I'm sorry, but, it's true. We are sisters." I said and he stood in shock. "I 'dumped' you, FOR YOUR SISTER, that is TREATING to KILL YOU?! Jesus Christ!!" He yelled and I put my hand on his mouth. "Shh!" I shushed him. "Quiet! Someone could hear you." I whispered. "Sorry." He said taking my hand off his mouth then kissed my hand. We walked out and he drove me to Yuuri's house and he drove Kaitlin home then came back. "Do you have something to wear? 'Cause I don't." He said. "No." I replied and we went to the mall. "Who's concert are we going to?"
"You may know them, Panic! at the Disco." He said and I almost screamed. "I know where to go!" I said. I grabbed his hand and ran to Hot Topic but he didn't know. "Where are we going?" He asked laughing. "Just come with me." I said and I closed his eyes. "How about we choose each other's outfits?" He said and I said okay. I found a shirt with him, Viktor and Yuuri on it and it was weird, but I decided to buy it for him anyway.

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