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-Phaedra's POV-
«вы, ребята, знаете английский?» (do you guys know any English?)
«Да» (yes)
«давайте проверим, что» (let's check that)
"Can you say a full sentence in English?" Y/n asked the three of us. «мой, What should the other two say?" (Mine, ...)
"They say what they want to say."
"I can't think of anything,"
"Me neither." Matt said. "Great, let's get you guys in a hotel or something," Y/n said and we all drove to some hotel and got our rooms, and Y/n went off to surprise Yurio, and then a girl knocked on the door. "Hey, I'm Kaitlin. You guys are new and I came to offer something."
"Like what." I said. "I will give you each your own huge house, or a small mansion, 3 million dollars and a free refill of money when you run out so you'll never be broke/out of money." She said and we all thought. "What's the catch?"
"You have to, stop being friends with Y/n and make fun of her all the time and ignore her a lot and basically just be horrible to her."
"What happens if we don't?"
"Your life is ruined, you don't have ANY money, you get banned from the town and you can't ever get a job anywhere."
"Okay. Fine." Matt said but I was still shocked. "Okay, I'm in." Simon said and I took a deep breath. "Me too." I finally agreed.

-Your POV-
I went to Yuri's house and paced back and fourth in front of his house for about five minutes before finally knocking. He opened the door and I stood there smiling nervously. "Wow, why are you here?"
"For you. Are you upset?"
"No. I'm shocked." He said and we just stood there for a second. "I missed you, and what you said at the airport, left me dumbfounded. I don't really know what else to say except," he started but paused, "Can I kiss you?" He said and I giggled in relief. "Yeah." I said and he pulled me in and kissed me. "I'm sorry." I said while he hugged me and held me close. "Don't be. You have no idea how long I've been waiting to do this." He said and hugged me tighter. "I'm just, upset for a different reason." He said and let go. "I promised Yuuri that I would house sit for the week, sorry."
"It's fine, we can go on a date Monday." I said and he nodded. He let me in and then left. Then I went to meet up with Phae, Matt and Si. "Hey guys!"
"What do you want."
"Wha-, What do you mean?" I said. "Look, we don't exactly know you, so just leave before it gets ugly." Simon said as they all turned their backs. "Simon, I'm the only one that knows-,"
"If you tell anyone you are fucking dead. You hear me?" He said getting out of his chair and standing and inch from my face. I stepped back and yelled, "He's gay!" Then ran. All four of them started chasing me and a few more people joined in. I ran the fastest I could then hid in an alley, behind a dumpster waiting for them to run past. Something caught my eye across from me, a little girl, crying. I crawled over to her. "Hey, little girl, are you okay?" I said and put my hand on her knee but she jerked away. "Yeah, I-I'm okay."
"I've been pulling that one my whole life, what's wrong?"
"Nothing. I'm fine."
"You clearly aren't, you're crying behind a dumpster in an alley in dirty clothes. I know you don't know who you can trust, but I swear, you can trust me."
"My dad ran away with someone about three months ago, then my mom got really sad and started hurting me, then last night she killed herself. I've been alone for a long time now and I'm really scared." She said and cried more. "No one understands your situation more than me, I can tell you that. You should come stay with me, get you new clothes, get you washed and feed you. You can stay with me for a while, okay?" I asked and she smiled. I helped her up but then remembered I was being chased, so I picked her up and ran to Yuri's house. "Here we are," I said. "THIS is your HOUSE?!" She said amazed. "No, it's a friend of mine's. He's watching his dads house while his dad is out of town." I said and let her in. "Why did you run into the alley?" She asked me. "People were chasing me."
"The whole town hates me, i don't know why though. Even when i moved back and my friends moved down here, all of my friends started hating me, which is why people were chasing me. Which is also why I had to run here." I said as she ate. "Why did you say you understand my situation more than anyone?"
"Well, that's kinda personal. Only one person knows, and he owns this house."
"Wait, He has this huge house, he's nice to you, and he hasn't been hated or kicked out? Because that's kinda weird considering everyone else."
"Well he's kinda famous, and by kinda, I mean REALLY famous." I said and she stopped shoving food down her gullet. "Who is he?"
"Yuri Plisetsky."
"YOU'RE FRIENDS WITH YURI PLISETSKY?!!" She yelled. "A little more than friends." I said and she dropped her spoon. "WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?!" She said. "We are dating."
"Wait Wait Wait WAIT. I'm IN, YURI PLISETSKY'S HOUSE?!!" She yelled. "Yes." I said laughing at her amazement. "HOLY MOLY I CANT BELIEVE THIS DAY HAS COME." She said and fell backwards. "Oh my god are you okay?" I said as she lie on the floor. "IM SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW." She said. "You get washed up, what's your clothing size? I want to get you new clothes." I said and she told me. I went to target and get her clothes, I also get her a robe if she didn't immediately want to get dressed or something. I went back, out and outfit out on her bed and passed her the robe through the door. I then showed her to her room where she got dressed, and I took her INSANELY dirty outfit and washed it. "Why is your outfit so messy?"
"I haven't changed or washed it or bathed myself since my dad left. My mom wouldn't allow it."
"Don't call her your mom. She didn't raise you, at least not right. Call her mother. That's what I call my mother even though she gets furious."
"Okay." She said and I hugged her. I turned her tv on and brushed the tangles out of her hair. "Your hair is very long,"
"I've never cut it." She said. "Why not?" I asked still brushing her tangles. "I couldn't cut it myself, my mom was horrible, my dad was always with his other girl so no one could." She said and I stopped. "What happened with your family?" She asked and I started brushing her hair again. "My dad killed my little sister, then himself in front of me when I was 8 or so, and my mom started beating me every day. She is a heavy alcoholic so she is always drunk. It's not good, and my family always sucked, my dad was the only one kind of nice to me but my mother always hated me. When her husband and her favorite child died, she took all her anger and sadness out on me." I said and started French braiding her hair, making it go down her right shoulder. "I never got your name." I said to her. "Maribelle. You?"
"Y/n. Maribelle, that's a beautiful name." I said. And she smiled. "Y is pretty too." She said and put her hand on my knee. "What school do you go to?"
"I don't go to school," She said and I finished braiding her hair. "Really?"
"Yeah. But I've been told I'm a fast learner!"
"What grade are you going into?"
"Fifth. I would be," She said and I pulled out my computer. "What are you doing?"
"I'm signing you up for school. You start Wednesday." I said and she hugged me. "If you want to get comfy, you can put that robe on, or pajamas. I'm just gonna be downstairs." I said and headed out. "Hey Y/n," She said and I turned. "Thank you. So so much."
"No problem." I said and went downstairs, where she joined me a few minutes later. "Hey, do you know a girl named Mila Babicheva?"
"Yeah! Not personally though." She said. "Well, one of her friends live in the next town over where your school is, and she would be happy to take you in. What do you think?" I asked. "Hold on, how do I know this is ACTUALLY Yuri Plisetsky's house and that you're just lying? You are making me feel welcomed but then your gonna kill me or something?"
"You don't, but you can TRUST ME that I'm not lying." I said then I got a text from Yuri saying that he forgot something and he is almost here. "In fact, this might help you believe me." I said and Yuri walked in. Maribelle was in so much shock she couldn't move. "Hey, who's that?"
"This is Maribelle, in a way, an orphan." I said and got up to hug him. We hugged then he kissed me. "Cover your eyes little one." He said and she did, and he kissed me more. "I got to get the thing!" He said and ran to our room and left. "Wow! What the heck was wrong with me? I just froze!" She said. "What was wrong with him? He's never so secretive and seductive." I said and sat next to her. "I'll call him back over here to hang out. Then you can actually officially meet him." I said and she nodded furiously. "Also, how do you feel about the nickname Bella?"
"I like it! I've never had a nickname." She said. "Neither did I until like a few weeks ago." I said and we laughed. "What's your nickname?"
"Well, only Yuri calls me by my nickname. He was the one to give it to me. It's angel."
"That's cute." She said and giggled. I remembered we were out of alcohol and I didn't want to forget again, so I was planning on going to my mother's house to steal hers (since I'm too young to buy it). "I'll be right back. Do not, and I repeat DO NOT, follow me." I said and put my shoes on and left.
(-Maribelle's POV-
I was told to not follow but me being the curious kid I am, I followed her. I wanted to see what she was doing!)
I ran to my mothers house where she was on the couch holding her belt. "What are you doin here."
"I need something."
"Well that's too bad, daughter."
"Why is that, mother."
"Because you haven't gotten over the 'MOTHER' PHASE!!" She yelled and jumped off the couch. "I CANT BELIEVE YOURE STILL ON THIS!!"
"YES I WAS HERE FOR ALCOHOL!" I said and she pushed me too the floor and kicked me in the gut. She hit me with the belt and started scratching me a lot and then smashed a bottle on me, with it cutting me a lot, again. I was able to get up and pressed down on her pressure point the hardest I could and she passed out so I grabbed a bag and got a bunch of bottles of any kind of alcohol. I walked out but then someone slapped me in the face then tripped me, for me to soon hear "There she is! Get her!" And I got up and ran as fast as I could. They were getting super close so I threw the bag into a bush while turning, right when they caught up to me. They started beating the shit out of me and I came out of it barely alive, then grabbed the bag and limped home. I put my stuff down at the door and Yuri ran up to me. "Holy shit Y/n, are you okay? What happened?" He asked and Bella looked at me concerned. "I'm fine, you know my friends from Russia? They turned on me and I told them one of Simon's secrets so they all chased me down and beat the crap outta me." I said and he picked me up seeing how much it hurt for me to walk. "Oh angel." He said and set me down on the couch. "People really do hate you." Bella said and sat next to me. "Yep, but I'm fine. I survived and I didn't loose my memory."
"And thank god too." Yuri said and sat on the other side of me. "Yeah, but it's really my fault." I said and stopped smiling. "Hey Maribelle, can you go to your room for a second? I'll text you when you can come down."
"Yeah, But, What's 'text'?" She asked. "I'll tell you upstairs." Yuri said and she went to her room. "It's not your fault. You didn't do ANYTHING to deserve ANY of the torture you've gone through."
"But I do, why else would this all be happening? I must have done something to deserve all of this."
"You didn't! Nothing is your fault! People here are fucking stupid and you don't deserve any of this."
"There is something about this place. How could three of my best friends all suddenly turn on me right when they moved here?"
"I don't know. You still have me though, and that's all that matters."
"Yeah," I said and he kissed me. "I need to go get fresh air though," I said and limp-walked to the door. I walked to Hot Topic But right in front someone had a gun and was pointing it at... Kaitlin! "GIVE ME YOUR MONEY!!" They yelled at her. "I DONT HAVE ANY ON ME!"
"I DONT HAVE IT!" She yelled and they pulled the trigger. I ran up and the bullet went in my shoulder. The person took one look at me and ran. "Y/n! You took a bullet for me!"
"Yeah, why wouldn't I? Everyone deserves to live."
"Everyone but you, I had it under control. You didn't have to take the bullet. God you're stupid."
"You fucktard took a bullet for me even though you DIDNT NEED TO. Everything was fine. Idiot." She said and kicked me and walked off. "NEXT TIME ILL LET YOU DIE!" I said. "YOU DESERVE IT." I yelled to her and she ran after me, she wasn't fast because she was wearing heals but then she got others to chase me again. It was the biggest swarm I've seen, about half the town, maybe more. I finally got inside and I started putting stuff in front of the door. "What are you doing?"
"Barricade the door!" I said and he saw the swarm turning the corner. It was getting too close so he grabbed me and we ran upstairs to Maribelle's room. "What's happening?" She said and Yuri locked they door and put the desk in front of the door. "Get in the closet. Both of you!" Yuri's said and we hid in there then he told us to lock it, he hid in the bathroom. Maribelle was freaked out and then I heard someone break the door. I hid on the far left and she hid on the far right so when they opened the door, they couldn't see us before slamming the doors closed again. I texted Yuri with silent on and brightness all the way down
Y/n: We are okay, I think they left.
Yuri: They did, but stay put, none of them left yet.
I looked over to Bella and she looked terrified. I typed into my phone: you are going to be okay. You are gonna leave soon so you don't have to deal with this. Okay?
And I handed it to her and she nodded then gave my phone back.
Yuri: They are gone.
I took Bella out of the closet and hugged her tight. "It's okay, it's over. Are you alright?"
"I'm okay."
"I'm sorry, you shouldn't have to deal with my shit." I said and kissed the top of her head. "Yuri, do we have extra doors?"
"Yeah, somewhere in the garage." He said leaving the bathroom. We went downstairs and put the new doors on. "Oh my god, you were shot? When? How?"
"I took it for someone but then they were ungrateful so that's why there were people chasing me."
"Jesus, you need a doctor."
"No I don't, I'm fine. I can just take the-," I said and fell but he caught me. "You've lost too much blood. I'm taking you to the doctors." He said and drove me where I got disinfected and bandaged and then they sent me off. We picked up Bella and drove her to her new house, and came back. "Why do they hate me? Why are they all of a sudden so much more violent? What is wrong with me, Yuri, why are you even with me? I'm a mess and these are the types of questions I ask you. I'm too stressful for you I don't deserve you. I deserve a town that hates me and a mom that beats me."
"No you don't! You are a great person that never got to experience life correctly. I love you and I want what's best for you and what's best is not torture! I don't know what else to say,"

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