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In which hoseok accidentally broke yoongi's favorite toy

Third person's POV

The two boys are constantly fighting due to hoseok accidentally breaking the older's toy. Little hoseok didn't really mean it. He was just being clumsy like namjoon.

"I won't talk to you 'til tomorrow hmp!"

Hoseok shot yoongi a teary eye with his bottom lip trembling and with this the others knew hoseok is about to cry.

Yoongi prevented himself from running up to the younger and hugging him. We all know that both of them won't last long without them talking to each other.

"Yah! Don't fight" the oldest in the group went to the two boys and rub hoseok's head to comfort him.

"Don't interfere, stupid!" Yoongi yelled at jin and ran out of the house.

Hoseok's tears bursted out. "Jinnie! What should i do?? Yoongi hates me now" he said sniffing

Jin just sighed in frustration. He knew that yoongi will be back soon with a couple of chocolates on his hand to apologize to hoseok for shouting at him. It always happens.

"Don't worry hoseokie! He'll be back soon"


The three little maknae was playing their favorite video game. The room was filled with laughter when hoseok barged in causing the giggles to stop.

"C-can i.. Join?"
Hoseok asked cutely making the others smile at him.

"Sure, hyungie!" Jimin giggled.

"Sit with me!" Taehyung suggested but then jungkook disagreed "no! Sit with me hyung~"

"You little--" taehyung growled at jungkook who was smirking at him.

"I'll just.. Go?"
Hoseok sighed leaving the three weird maknae to their room.

"It's your fault!" Jungkook gripped taehyung's collar glaring at him.

"Ugh.." Jimin rolled his eyes at the both of them. He wanted hoseok sit with him as well but all of it was ruined because of these two.


Hoseok was peacefully sitting on the bench at the garden. Humming the last song he listened to. "H-hobi?"

He turned around to see yoongi with his gummy smile. And so he smiled back at him.

He always liked yoongi's signature smile. It's so cute. "Hmm?"

Yoongi sat beside him handing him the bear he just got from the store near their house. "I'm sorry for..how i acted earlier.."

"It's okay silly! Sorry for breaking your toy.. I know that it's precious to you"

And with that; yoongi pulled hoseok into a hug
And hoseok happily hugged back, nuzzling his face into yoongi's chest. "Love you.."

A smile made it's way to yoongi's lips as he pat hoseok's fluffy hair.

"Mhm.. Love you too"

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