'A fort with you'

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" Will you be the mother of my children? "

Third person's POV

"Are you guys sure that you don't want to come with us ?" Jin asked the two who was sitting on the couch watching their favorite cartoon on the television "yeah, now shoo" jimin said; his eyes are still glued to the t.v "ugh. Fine."

Jin stomped his feet on his way to their car followed by the four Dorks.
"Ah! Buy me chocolate please~" hoseok yelled making sure that they heard that.

"Now what?"


"I wanna be the father as well!" Hoseok said pouting cutely at jimin

"Hyung.. We both know that being a mother suits you well"

Hoseok sticks out his bottom lips as he watched jimin making the fort. Hoseok wanted to make the fort as well but jimin said that he suck at that.

"Alright! It's done"

Hoseok looked at the cute fort jimin has made. He's really good at making that.

"This will be our kids !" Jimin said placing the two dolls named 'mang' and 'chimmy' inside.

"and of course..I'm the father." He added

"I don't wanna be the mother.. I'm a boy!"

"And so am i"

Hoseok puffed his cheeks as he glared at jimin who was smiling widely.

"I love you,wifey"

Hobi was now a blushing mess. Jimin looks so handsome and cute at the same time how can someone even look like that..? "I love you too, hubby"

"Now.. Let's come inside, shall we?"

They both know that they won't just cuddle inside.. And it's making their heart pound faster.

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