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They say that yoongi is the kind of person who never get scared of anything so hoseok decided to prove them wrong.
Third person's POV

Today, hoseok had bought a lot from the online shopping. Costumes, fake cockroaches, scary masks and stuffs like that.

'I'm not scared of anything. I'm made of steel, baby'
Is the last words that came out of yoongi's mouth and hoseok kept that on mind. He's a human.. I'm pretty sure there is something that scares him.. Heights? Ghosts? Something..

And so he decided to set the things he bought from the internet. "Alright!"

It's almost 10pm. Yoongi will be home any minute now so he gotta arrange this things before his boyfriend come home.

This day is so tiring for yoongi. His boss asked him to finish all the paper works on time so he got no time to have a nap at work.

He took off his shoes and his neck tie. He looked around the house, why's the lights turned off?

He walked up to the light switch and pressed it to open the light.

"Gwaaaah!!" Hoseok screamed holding both of his hands above his head. Yoongi was stunned by the outfit hoseok was wearing. He pulled the orange haired boy into a hug and nuzzled his face onto the younger's hair.
"Were you scared~?"
Hosoek giggled hugging back his hyung.

"Very much, baby" yoongi lied. He can't say no to hoseok looking so cute as ever. "I'm sorry yoonie for scaring you!" Hoseok pouted wrapping his arms around yoongi's neck "it's okay, give me a kiss so i can forgive you"

Hoseok then gave yoongi multiple kiss on his cheeks giggling afterwards. Yoongi liked this side of hoseok. It always give him strength looking at the most precious person in his life.

If there was something yoongi was scared of. It'll be losing hoseok.

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