The prince meets nobody

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The prince fell in love with a nobody.

Third person's POV

"Kyaaaah~ Oppa!"

"Oh my god.. MY PRINCE~!"

Jin just sighed in satisfaction. Seeing his fans fall over their knees just because he glanced at them.

"It feels good to be the prince"

It's such a shame that all the student in the university he was in are pretty.. Ugly.

He leaned his face on his desk as he then sighed again.

"Yah! Hoseok. Are you sure you're okay with going to school alone?"
Namjoon asked

It's hoseok's first day in school. And namjoon had to go and do something important so he can't be with hoseok for now.

"I'm fine, silly! I'm not a kid"

Hoseok looked around the hallway clueless of what's happening.. You could say that.. He is a bit lost.

He should've ask namjoon for directions..

But.. He's already here.  There's no choice but to Go with the flow.

"U- uhmm excuse me?" Hoseok asked one of the students but they ignored him.

How rude. He sighed to himself.

"Hey? Are you hoseok?"
A guy with a orange hair asked him.

"Y- yes'

"Good! I'm the school president. My name is jimin. Let me accompany you to your room" jimin said as he smiled at him brightly.

Hoseok could feel his face heating up.

"Let's see... Hey! You're in the same room as me!"Jimin said looking through his notepad. It might be the list of the student's classroom number

That's good then!

Hoseok could finally relax

Jin was walking down the hallway when an angel caught his eye.

Ah.. It's just a mirror.

But then someone bumped into him making jin groan in pain.

"Aish!can you please look at where you are going?!" Jin was about to scold the person more but then he was mesmerized by the stranger's face.

He looks much more pretty than him. How can a person like him exist ?

"I'm really sorry!"
Hoseok rushed back to his room leaving the prince stunned.

"I gotta know his name"


"And that's how we met!" Jin said proudly pulling hoseok closer to him.

"A-ah.. "

Hoseok couldn't believe that this is actually happening..

His boyfriend just introduced hoseok to his friends in such a boastful way..

And.. It's somehow cute..

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