"Give me attention, hyung!"

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Taehyung wanted hoseok's attention. Will he get the attention he needs from the older?

Third person's POV

"Hyungiee~ notice mee"
Taehyung whines as he nuzzled hoseok's precious 'mang'

"I'm sorry taetae.. But i'm kinda busy today. Maybe later?" Hoseok said as he smiled sweetly at the younger earning another whine.

"I want--" hoseok walked out of the room slamming the door behind him leaving poor taehyung in the room.


Taehyung sighed as he stared at the ceiling.

Another idea had popped in his head. "This will get his attention for sure."


"Taehyung.. What in the world are you wearing..?" Jin asked a little bit concerned for taehyung.

He's now wearing his cutest onesie. It is a bit hotter. But whatever--

"Have you seen hobi-hyung?" Taehyung asked ignoring the older's question. "In his room. Why?"

Taehyung knew about hoseok's weakness for cute things and that's the reason why he's wearing this.


Taehyung knocked annoyingly at hoseok's front door continuously.

Hoseok took a deep breath as he irritatingly opened the door with a grunt.

His members knew well that hoseok doesn't want to be disturbed while he's working.

"Tae.. I told--"

Hoseok looked at tae from head to toe confused on why he is wearing this. Plus it's hot. How can he survive in that outfit.
But.. Hoseok did think that he looks cute in that..

"Would you like to have a snack with me?" Hoseok asked making the younger's face lit up.

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