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I laid in my bed, staring at the ceiling. Tomorrow's the first day at the new school. I put my hands over my face and sighed. I was not prepared to meet all the people without brain cells. Or with a lower amount of them. My eyes shut and God knows how many positions I went through before I actually fell asleep.


"Honey, I'm going to work now." I heard dad say to my mom downstairs before shutting the door. It was his and his work's fault that we had to move to this big ass city. My eyes lazily opened and I realized I had kicked the covers to the floor. I just looked at them before I sat up and rubbed my eye while a big yawn escaped my mouth. The sunlight forced its way through the blinds and created a stripped pattern on the floor. It wasn't long until my alarm clock went off and I immediately turned it off.

God, I can't stand that signal, why haven't I changed it yet?

I stood up and made my way to the wardrobe and pulled out jeans and a loose t-shirt. I put them on and went down to see mom making hot chocolate on the stove.

"Good morning, sunshine." she chirped.

"I'm not some light from the sun." I murmured and sat down by the kitchen island while she poured me a cup of the chocolate. Basically, I was not in the mood for this day. But when were I ever in the mood for anything? I drank up before my mother started one of her annoying speeches about me changing schools.

I walked to the bathroom upstairs and brushed my teeth and hair. Then I put my hair up in a half ponytail and put small rings in my ears before I went on with my brows, eyeliner and mascara.


My foot stepped into the principal's office. It was here I was supposed to get the key to my locker and get information to where I should go to my class. I sighed as I sat down on the wooden chair across the principal's desk, my backpack hitting the floor. He straightened his back and scrambled through some papers.

"So... Minna, am I right?" he looked at me over the edge of his glasses. I rolled my eyes and nodded once. He coughed to get my attention back at him.

"Well, here's your key, you have locker number... 134, down the hallway and to the right. And your home room is D78." he held the key in front of him and I just grabbed it and left. I had no more time for him.

The locker was pretty easy to find. Some girls were standing a few meters away, chattering and giggling. I groaned silently at their actions, slamming the door to my locker and got their attention. They all went silent and just looked at me. I smirked and gave them a salute before I went the other way.

If this side of the school was C, then this way would get me to D.

I was wrong.

A?? What

I turned and got into another wing of the school. Wrong again.

G?? How the fuck have they located the wings in this school???

After a few more minutes, I was officially lost. I groaned and stomped my foot down. This can't get worse. I went back the same way back and got to the main entrance. Then I saw the signs to where the corridors were.


I gave myself a facepalm. God, I am stupid.

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