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I became late to class. When I closed the classroom door behind me, everyone looked up at me. Some girls at the back were whispering to themselves and giggled. I just gave them a are-you-serious-look and looked over to the teacher who looked like she just saw a miracle. It's a miracle I even came to class on the first day.

"Finally! The new girl in the class! Tervetuloa*!" she clapped her hands together cheerfully.

Yay, fake optimism. Fucking hate it.

She reached for me with both of her arms and showed me my assigned seat. First row, window seat. I leaned back in my chair and put my feet on my desk, revealing my untied Doc Martens. The giggling girls from before sat 3 rows behind me and I had no problem with showing them who's the boss.

The lesson was slow. It wasn't even a real lesson, just a waste of time getting information about the year. I yawned several times, making the guy on my right tired of me. He wrote on a piece of paper and put it on my desk.

'Stop yawning, you're getting on my nerves'

I chuckled.

"What's so funny?" the teacher asked me. I didn't care enough to take her name. I picked up the piece of paper between my index and middle finger as I stood up and slammed it down on the guy's desk.

"I'm getting on his nerves, I better leave then." I answered before leaving the classroom. The hallways were empty, except for a few people here and there that either got their stuff from their lockers or just ditched the lessons.

Okay Minna, leave the school or stay for free lunch?

The second alternative sounded better for my stomach which have started to mumble. Yet another hour until food...


The clock strike 12 and students filled the dining hall. Pasta and tomato sauce was apparently today's lunch. When I had grabbed my food, I went to a table that had 3 chairs on each side of it. I sat down and started eating.

Then this random dude took the seat across me.

"And you are?" I asked and raised my eyebrow.

"Your future husband." he grinned. I almost choked on my food.

"Cheesy move there Romeo, but no." I responded after a trail of coughs. He chuckled.

"Mikko, but folk around here calls me Mige." he held out his hand. I just looked at it.

"The teachers too?" I raised my eyebrow again.

"Nah, I'm Mikko Paananen to them." he took his hand back, resting the arm on the table.

"Well then I know what name I'll write on my 'people to avoid'-list." I said and continued eating. He didn't leave.

Yo, what's this dude's problem?

"Why are you staying?" I furrowed my brows.

"Cause the this is our table and seat you're sitting on, is his." he pointed behind me and when I turned my head, my face went blank. There stood a guy with curly hair, a Siouxsie t-shirt, jeans and Converse. And eyeliner. He had crossed his arms over his chest and looked mad.

Hot fucker.

I turned back and started eating again. Until I noticed he had grabbed the back of the chair and the edge of the table and leaned over to my ear. By this time, another guy with blonde dreadlocks had taken the seat besides Mige.

"That's my seat. Get up and grab another one." he hissed.

Rude fucker.

"Uh yeah no, I'm sitting here now." I chuckled. Suddenly, he took my arm and threw me off the chair before sitting down himself. I saw red and shoved the rest of my food into his lap.

"Mulkvisti*." I murmured and left the dining hall.


* Tervetuloa = welcome
* Mulkvisti = dickhead

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