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Yes, I'm back with another Ville-fanfic, just because I love that man to death. And here's a few things to keep in mind while reading this.

-This story is set in this present time with teenage Ville.
-The story begins in January 2017
-Ville's look is shown in the picture above *screaming cause he's so hot*
-Ville will have license for some vehicles
-I'm a swede so I definitely don't know anything about the schools or school system in Finland or know any Finnish so please correct me if I'm wrong somewhere throughout the story!
-Every dialog is in Finnish (imagine that) and I will actually throw in some Finnish words here and there

Also, I have a lot of music that would only fit in if it's present days.

And I'll only write this when I have the time and motivation to, otherwise I will be working on my other Ville-fanfic.

-Seb x

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