f o u r

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Today's the 4th day of school, luckily it's Friday and not Monday. I showered before I went down to the kitchen and found dad making pancakes.

"Good morning, sunflower." he said and turned around.

"No." I snapped and he just ruffled my damp hair. He then turned to the pancakes again and flipped it. I poured myself some apple juice before I heard the sound of the plate against the marble on the kitchen island. Then I heard mom coming down the stairs. Dad swept her in his embrace.

''Good morning, Ilma.'' he said in a flirty tone and kissed her. She giggled as I just shook my head before I started eating. After just a few seconds, my phone lit up and my brother's name was showing on the screen.

Nicholas: Having my first day at uni today. I'm calling you on Skype tomorrow with a surprise, miss you x

Minna: I miss you too, fucker

My brother went to Sweden last week to study. Don't ask me what, cause I fucking forgot. Nico has always been better than me in school though. Not that I complain, he has always helped me with my stupid homeworks and such.

After breakfast, I went upstairs and did my daily makeup routine with eyeliner, brows and mascara before I put on a oversized black hoodie and camo-pants.

I was not prepared for this day.

My ears was wearing the same earrings as always and I slipped on my boots and jacket before grabbing my backpack and saying goodbye to my parents.


"And that's how Finland got independent from Sweden." our history teacher ended his sentence. School wasn't my favorite place at all, but history made it just a little bit better. History was my last lesson for the day and it was quite pleasing to end at 1.30 pm. I put my headphones in my ears and walked down the hallway with my head high and books under my arm.

I carry my crucifix under my death list
Forward my mail to me in hell
Liars and the martyrs lost faith in the Father
Long lost is the wishing well

Suddenly, some ass walked right into me from behind and caused me to lose my balance for a second.

"Hey! Watch where you're going, asshole!" I yelled and pulled out one headphone. He turned around and it was Mulkvisti. Yep, I actually gave him that nickname.

"You're not supposed to be in my way." he said nonchalantly and shrugged his shoulders, continuing his walking. I snorted.

Not being in his way, huh? We'll see about that.

I put the headphone back in my ear and the Mötley Crüe-song was on its outro. I sighed as I began walking again. When I had gotten my stuff out of my locker, Jessi stood besides me.

"Hello." she put her chin on my shoulder. I closed the locker and turned around. She had gotten a piercing in her eyebrow since I saw her yesterday.

"New?" I nodded towards the piercing.

"Yeah, my brother did it. He's a piercer at a shop nearby." she put her hands in her hoodie's pockets. I admit, she was pretty cute. Black hair, hazel eyes, a little bit shorter and a little bit skinnier than me. Also paler and quite pierced ears.

"Sooo, do you want to hangout today?" she asked as we walked out of the school.

"Yeah, why not. We can be at my place." I shrugged my shoulders and she nodded. I usually don't invite people to my home after a few days of knowing them, but Jessi and I were getting along pretty well.


"So here's my place." I opened the door and let her enter first. Just as expected, dad peaked his head from the kitchen. Always so curious.

"Hey isä." I greeted him as I took off my outwear. He came closer with a heartwarming smile.

"Hello. Who's your friend?" he put his hands in the front pockets of his jeans.

"Jessica. But Jessi for short." she held out her hand and he shook it.

"I'm Daniel, Minna's father." he replied and leaned heavier on his accent. She nodded and I signed to her to follow me. We went straight up to my room and she took a seat on my bed.

"I love rooms that aren't done renovating." she laid down with her hands under her head.

"Ha-ha, sarcasm at its best." I replied as I span on my desk chair that I sat on. She chuckled. She was right though, my room looked like it was almost going to fall apart. But that's what I love about it and mom hates it.

"I heard Mige talk about you at lunch." she suddenly said. I just stared at her.

"And what did he say-"

"That you were cute." she cut me off.

Oh hell no

"He didn't." I laid my head back and stared up in the ceiling.

"Yeah, he did! And then he got a slap from Ville." she giggled.

"I would have loved to see that." I chuckled.

"I know and that's why I recorded it." she said as my head shot to her direction. She sat up now.

"You didn't! Let me see!" I exclaimed and she just nodded and padded the space besides her. I rushed over to her as she pulled out her phone. The video showed Mige talking and suddenly Ville leaned over the table and BAM a slap. He looked so shocked I started to laugh hysterically. The blonde guy in the video seemed to laugh as much as us.

"Oh my god! That's the best thing I've seen today!" I said between the laughs. Or well, more like wheezing.

"I know right! And Linde laughed sooo much at them too!" she said after she calmed down.

"That's the blonde guy, right?" I sat against the wall now.

"Yeah, Mikko Lindström. Supercool dude, I don't get why he's friends with Ville and Mige though. He don't seem to get along with their personalities." she said with a confused tone. We dropped the subject and started my PS2. After a while, I put down my control and furrowed my brows.

"You like Linde, don't you?" I asked Jessi and she looked embarrassed at me.

"Uhm, kind of?" she said and pulled her hands into the arms of her hoodie.

Ugh, love

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2020 ⏰

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