t h r e e

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I went into the ladies room and looked at myself in the mirror as I gripped each side of the basin. My pulse started to go down from the moment before when I was pissed. I took a deep breath and shut my eyes. Suddenly, I heard the door open and I opened my eyes immediately. There stood a girl, about my height, leaning against the wall.

"There's not many who have stood up against Ville Valo." she chuckled. I rolled my eyes and just stared into the mirror again.

"The name's Jessica by the way, but you can call me Jessi." she said.

"Minna." I said back, a little bit frustrated. I saw her widen her eyes in the corner of my eye.

"Yooo, you're the new girl everyone's talking about. No wonder Ville had a problem with you." she covered her mouth with her hand and I looked at her.

"He has a problem with new people?" I asked, furrowing my brows.

"Uh well, with the ones who don't know his rules..." she put her hand away from her mouth and scratched her neck.

"And those are..?" I signalled her to continue.

"Don't take his seat, don't be in his way, don't question him." she held up one finger for one point. "And a few more."

I couldn't believe it.

The guy had rules.

Is he some royalty or whatever?

"Whatever, if he doesn't respect me, I won't respect him back." I turned to her and she covered a big grin with her hand.

"I like you." she said.

"You're not too bad either." I responded.


School was finally over and I went over the parking lot get to the bus stop. As I were about to step inside the bus, I felt a hand around my arm which dragged me away from the bus stop. I looked up and saw that rude fucker from before. He stopped and looked at me with a blank expression.

"We're going to have a talk." he said seriously and dragged me further into the parking lot. He pushed me against one of the cars and leaned over me, one hand located beside my head to hold him up.

"I understand you are new and there are some things you need to know-"

"That you're a mulkvisti." I cut him off and crossed my arms over my chest.

"I'm not a dickhead." he said sternly.

"Then you wouldn't have been so rude to me at lunch." I said back sassily. His eyes narrowed.

"Listen, you little shit. I've never met someone like you and you're a pain in the ass. I'm not playing games around here and if you're messing with me or my friends, I will give you trouble." he hissed. I rolled my eyes and got away from him.

"Bring it on, I'm already living trouble." I chuckled as I walked backwards, holding out my arms. He stomped away.

What a kid.

I walked back to the bus stop and luckily it was only 3 minutes left until the next bus.


"I'm home!" I yelled as I threw my boots and leather jacket off. Then I noticed, my parents aren't home.


I went up to my room, started my old PS2 and threw myself on the bean bag my mom have wanted to throw out for quite some time. She would have to pass me to get it, and she would just dare.

A few hours passed and it was pitch black outside. I yawned and looked at the clock. Almost 6 pm. That meant my dad would be home soon. And I was right, I heard the door slam shut and steps coming up the stairs.

''You there?'' he almost whispered and stuck his head in. I paused my game and leaned back to where I could see him.

''No, this is Elvis Presley. Welcome to Graceland.'' I replied with sarcasm. He snorted and came into my room.

''How was your first day?'' he asked and sat on my desk-chair. I sighed and turned on my game again. Suddenly, I felt him ruffle my hair.

''Hey!'' I protested and he raised his eyebrows. ''Fine. I met a okay girl.''

''That's something. How was sh-''

''I said she was okay.'' I cut him off. I was getting pretty irritated now. He sighed and left my room without closing the door completly. I groaned, got up from my comfortable bean bag and slammed the door shut.

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