Angry Wizard!

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We all woke up and started again. As the day grew on, I asked Kili what he had been up to these past years. Learning swordplay and archery.

Then, the sky decided to rain.

I was fine with the rain. However, some of my companions were not.

"Mr. Gandalf, can't you do something about this deluge?" Dori asked.

"It is raining, master dwarf. And it will continue like this until the rain is done. If you wish to control the weather of the world, you should find yourself another wizard."

I smiled a bit and rode up to where Thorin was. He saw me and smiled a little.

"Are there any? Other wizards?" Bilbo asked from behind us.

He was always full of questions.

"There are five of us. There are the two blues,........ you know I can't quite remember their names. Then there's the leader of our order, Saruman the White." Gandalf said.

I never really liked Saruman. He always seemed to be hiding something in him. There was a touch of evil behind his eyes.

"And the last one?" Bilbo asked.

"That would be Radagaust the Brown." Gandalf answered.

"Is he a great wizard, or is he more like you?" Bilbo asked.

Whatever the hell that means.

"I think he's a very good wizard, in his own way. He prefers to live alone, with the exception of the his animal friends. He enjoys the company of animals instead of people. He lives in a forest to the East and a good thing too. Evil will always try to have a foothold on this world."


We all rode on and the rain decided to stop. At this, my companions cheered. I just rolled my eyes.

We stoppes at an old farm house that looked like it was abandoned years ago.

"We will camp here for the night!" Thorin said.

That's strange, usually we camp close to nightfall. We have a few hours until nightfall.

"Where are you going?!" Bilbo asked an angry Gandalf who was walking very quickly to his horse.

"To consult with someone who has any brains other than Sorin!" Gandalf said.

"And who's that?" Bilbo asked.

"Myself, Mr. Baggins!! I've had enough of dwarves for today." Gandalf snapped.

He got on his horse and rode east. If he was really leaving us, he would go west. East is Rivendell.

"Is he coming back?" Bilbo asked me.

"Probably." I answered.

"Come on, Bifer, we're all hungry. Make us dinner!" Thorin answered.

He was angry, too.

What did him and Gandalf talk about?

I got my notepad out from my saddlebag, sat down leaning against a tree, sat for a second to decide what to draw since drawing calms me down, and drew the first thing that came to my mind.

Bilbo's home. I know he misses it, so I want him to have something that'll remind him of his home.

I started to draw while my companions were attending their own matters.

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