My Sacrifice

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We all ran, since the Orcs were distracted thanks to Radagast.

We ran and hid behind the large rocks that covered the land.

The Orcs were close, but not too close. I stopped the Company before being spotted by the Orc and Warg above us saw us.

I pulled out my bow and an arrow, turned around, and shot the Warg through it's head. Just as the arrow went the Warg's head, the Orc pulled his horn and brought it to his lips.

I shot him, but too late, he had blow his horn!

"The dwarf scum are over there!" yelled an Orc in Black Speech. "GO!!"

Then, we all heard the yapping and thundering feet of the Wargs as they got closer to us.

"Run, everyone!" Gandalf yelled. "RUN!!!"

We all ran like hell, following Gandalf. We came to this rock and Gandalf slipped in while no one else looked.

"We're surrounded!" Ori yelled.

"Where's Gandalf?!" yelled Dori.

"He's abandoned us!!" Dwalin answered.

We all turned to fight the Orcs. Kili and I shot arrows and killed many of them. But, there was too many.

Mahal, please let my Father live!

"THIS WAY, YOU FOOLS!" Gandalf yelled next to the stone he disappeared into.

The dwarves ran to the rock and dove through opening above it. Kili and I were still shooting the Orcs.

"Kili," Thorin yelled at his nephew. "Come on!"

"Kili, go!" I told him. "I'll cover you!"

He ran to the rock, leaving me alone. I backed up to the rock, still shooting.

"Sorin, come on!" Thorin said, as he tried to pull me in.

"Sorry, Thorin." I said.

"For what?!" he asked, confused.

"This!" I said as I spun around and punched him in the face, making him go down into the hole.

Yes, I had punched my Father.

He wouldn't have gone down if I didn't, and I had to make sure that the Orcs weren't going to follow us.

"SORIN!!" I heard him yell.

I spun around, facing the Orcs again, and an arrow was shot and cut my right arm! Before I touched it or made any notion that I was hurt, I notched another arrow and shot it at the Orc who shot me, and killed him.

I kept shooting until there were no Orcs close, but they were still coming.

I jumped into the hole. Before I could straighten myself up, I was pressed against the wall, a dagger at my throat.

"Hey, Dwalin, mind taking the dagger away?" I asked.

Dwalin saw that it was me and backed off.

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