Intensities are a thing we have, and it's best to embrace them and learn to use them to our advantage.
"Gifted children are often described as *intense.* These intensities can manifest as extra energy, heightened senses, a deep desire to learn, and strong emotions. Learn more about giftedness and intensity.
In class, a child suddenly explodes at another for making a clicking pencil sound, a student shuts down for the day after making an error while presenting, a distant natural disaster effects children's moods. As a teacher, this layer of complex sensitivity builds on your already difficult job of tracking academic progress. To be effective, you must also navigate this emotional minefield."
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I Can't Think Inside This Box! a book about autism
Non-FictionMy daughter and I are both autistic, and over the years I have compiled a list (read: Pinterest board) of many great references and helpful articles, which just occurred to me to share here. This book will include info about all aspects of the auti...