chapter six

10 1 2

*End of Flashback*

"Snap out of it Suji!" Why can't this handsome kid just let me daze off alone?

"Focus on class, we have 2 more lessons left then we're done."

"What? How come today is so short?" I look at Ayato and ask.

"We have a half day today since it's.." he starts to get hesitant.

"Since it's...?"

"Akuji and Ayato either you focus or you continue your little talk at the principal's office with your parents." The teacher says and we both apologize and try to focus.

My first 2 periods were Math and english, which are two of my favorite subjects, so class wasn't boring today. I actually enjoyed it while Ayato was snoring next to me obviously not enjoying it like me.

The bell rings, signaling the end of the school day. Finally, it's over.

It's only 12:30 pm, but it feels nice to finish this early.

I frown. I don't really want to go back home just yet.

The teacher dismisses us and everyone runs out of the class, while the teacher yells out loud so everyone could hear her "Don't forget to wish your dads a happy fathers day!"

I felt the world stop for a second, I felt my heart sinking slowly. It hurt so badly, these words just made my throat hurt. It made me swallow my cries. A weird unwanted feeling in my stomach..

I can't explain it. It  hurts. I felt like the loneliest person alive.

Am being too dramatic? I wanted to run away but I just pushed my head down trying to avoid everyone.

I just wanted to get out of here.

Once I was out of school, I just ran. I wanted to be somewhere alone.

I ran to the field where me and Ayato sat the other day. I stopped in the middle of it, fell on my knees, and started crying.. and crying.. and crying until my eyes started to hurt.

"I miss you. I miss you so much.." I cried. I didn't understand the feeling.

Why am i feeling so bad? He died when I was small but I still feel so close to him.

How can you miss a person so much even if you don't know them?
If only I was able to call him dad. If he just came back. I'd hug him and I won't let go.

I'll make his food. I'll be the best daughter for him. "Oh God please help me.." help me get rid of these feelings that are ripping my soul inside out..

I feel arms hugging around me hugging me tightly.."It'll be okay. Cry it's okay"
I calm down a bit, but I still couldn't talk. My chest just hurts..

"I'm here for you. You're not alone. No one can replace your father. But I'll try my best to make you feel less lonely."

Is Ayato even real? How can he always be there when I need someone?

I look up at him and bite my lips "I'm okay."

I get up and wipe my tears and he just stares at me.

"You're not okay Akuji, it's okay not to be okay you can talk to me." he says.

Why won't he stop calling me Akuji can't he just stop it!

"I hate it.." I whisper "What is it?" he asks concerned.

I look at him and shout " I hate it..don't call me Akuji anymore. Just don't, I'm  fine I don't need help just leave me alone!" Why did I say that? Please don't leave..

"You really want me to leave you alone?" he asks.

I don't want you to go. Just hug me. I need you with me.

"I'm just dumb for being here while I should be with my family. I'm dumb for buying you something rather than buying it for my dad." he throws a bag infront of me and leaves angrily.

I hate myself.

Please comeback please..

I sit down and cry..

After a while I open the gift Ayato bought me..

How did he know?
                                                 it's the lipstick

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