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Kate turned at her daughter's voice, seeing her teenager emerge from the beach house with determined steps. The teen was slowly and very quickly turning into a copy of herself, the walk very similar to the one she herself had when pursuing a suspect. Castle had multiple times teased the two for doing the same eye roll and crossing their arms exactly the same at exactly the same time too many times for her to count. It was something he would especially do when they were rolling their eyes at something he did. During the past few years even Alexis had picked up on the small gestures but according to Castle it wasn't as fun to point that out since Alexis had her red hair and didn't look like Kate physically. Before she could raise from her chair where she'd worked on her tan her peanut stood in front of her with her arms crossed and Kate looked up at her with question.


"Dad said it's real," Elisabeth said with her nose wrinkling in disgust.

"What's real?" Kate couldn't help but chuckle at the look her daughter had on her face.

"The scene where Nikki and Rook does it while..."

Her peanut didn't get to say anything more before Kate cut her off with a; "What?!" Elisabeth jerked back at the power of her mother's voice. "It's fiction Liz, your dad writes fiction." Kate refused to admit that perhaps it had been... real... but there was no need for her peanut to know that!

"I know! But he does take inspiration from you and your cases," Elisabeth shot back and Kate's eyes were wide.

She's going to kill him. She started pushing herself up from the chair, her daughter immediately calling her out in a warning as she dived to help her mother.

"Where is he?" Kate insisted the second she was on her feet and Elisabeth knew better than to get in the way of her pregnant mother, her finger immediately pointing towards the big house.

Kate started staggering up towards the house, her daughter at her heel and she hated how everyone kept treating her like she was the most fragile thing in their presence. She had been pregnant before goddamnit! She didn't need protection! Her daughter stopped following her the second she was in the house, probably figuring she couldn't trip and fall when on a flat surface, and Kate set her feet towards the office where she figured her husband was. Walking up the stairs was starting to turn into a workout and she was so thankful she still made sure to stay in form thanks to her job, even if the writer had managed talking her into a maternity leave. Speaking of the writer, he's exactly where she'd thought he'd be.

"What the hell Castle?!" Kate hissed and she watched her husband jump in his seat, not at all having heard her come in. Or maybe he'd been so into the writing he was doing that he hadn't heard even if she'd stomped her way there.

"What?" his voice was so small and hadn't she been pissed at him she would've found it quite fun how easily she could make him squirm.

His blues were displaying a fear that he'd done something wrong. He's damn right he did something wrong.

"You can't tell peanut the sex scenes are real, are you out of your mind?!" she kept her voice low but couldn't stop the screaming from entering her tone.

His eyes went wide and then she could see how he started chewing on his cheek. "I-ah," he started but clenched his jaw shut again. It looked like he was trying to come up with a good enough response but after a few minutes of her glaring at him his shoulders went up in shame. "I'm sorry. She ambushed me, she knows I can't think clearly when I write."

Kate run her hand through her hair, trying to calm down. It wasn't often he said the apology first, he saved his apologies for when they truly mattered and this was one of those moments. She could never stay mad at him for too long, not since they had started dating. Sure, they'd had their fights, but it had never taken longer than a day away from him before she wasn't mad at him any longer. She loved him too much. The only thing she could be thankful for was that it took even less for him. He couldn't stay mad at her for the life of him.

"Why would you even confess it? I don't understand," she said, closing the door behind her before walking up to him.

"I think she started asking about one of the undercover situations, and when I'd told her that was completely how it happened she said something about if Nikki and Rook's private time was true as well... oh god," he put his hands over his face as he recalled what their daughter had asked him about.

"Whaat?" Kate encouraged with a stern voice.

"I told her of course it was, that most of the scenes between Nikki and Rook were based on the two of us," he groaned, "I didn't mean it that way, I didn't... I hadn't connected she was talking about the sex scenes."

Kate slumped down on the couch in his office, where she often found herself seated when he had written a couple chapters and could give her a tease. She closed her eyes and took deep breaths. He was right, their daughter knew she'd get the truth out of him when he was writing. Kate had used that many times to get his honest opinion on things and she knew her peanut had figured that out as well. If she wasn't completely wrong she even thought Alexis had told her sister that was the case, that if she ever wanted the truth out of their dad she should carefully ask him while he was writing. Kate felt the couch dip down beside her and it didn't take long before she felt his hand carefully nudging her hand. She let him take it, let their fingers link together as she let go of a sigh and turned her head towards him, opening her eyes.

"I'm sorry," his blue eyes as honest as they could ever be and the corner of her lips pulled up a little.

"I know."

His eyes sparkled with the relief he felt and when he leaned down she lifted her head to meet him halfway, their lips so smooth and loving against each other. They parted their lips simultaneously and it didn't take another second before their tongues started the familiar dance. Kate couldn't believe the dizziness that took over her mind. Six years and he still made her feel so incredibly happy, made her mind go foggy, her body filling with electricity. Her veins filling with heat and love every time they touched or kissed. And if it felt any the same for him she didn't blame him for using their experience in his pages, as long as he wouldn't tell the world about it. Their daughter was bold enough. Oh, and she had a feeling Lanie and the boys all knew too, but that didn't mean she wanted them to actually get it confirmed. They pulled apart when their lungs called out for air, but they kept their foreheads together, noses brushing.

"I promise I'll get better at not telling our kids about our moments," he said, laying a hand on her swelling belly.

"You won't get the chance with this one, I'm not letting him even touch those books," Kate grumbled and he chuckled.

His hand stroked over her belly and they both felt a kick to his hand. Their baby boy letting them know he's right there, and soon ready to meet them.

"I think he disagrees," Castle chuckled and Kate rolled her eyes.

"He can kick all he wants, it's not happening."

Castle pecked her lips once again before he raised and helped her out of the seat. "How about me taking a break and we can go down, spend some time with the girls before Alexis has to go back to the city tomorrow," he suggested and she smiled.

Stepping onto her toes she kissed his lips before pulling him with her out the office. She loved their family. She loved how easily Alexis had accepted her as a mom, how easily Elisabeth had immediately started calling Castle her dad, how easily they had all turned into this immediate family she hadn't thought she could give her daughter. And soon they would have a new member to their family. A new member that would bring a new adventure. Both girls would finally get to be big sisters to a baby boy, and they all looked forward to it. They couldn't wait to meet little Alexander Jim Castle.



A/N: Thank you all for reading, following, favoriting and reviewing! I really appreciate every little action and I hope you've all enjoyed this journey as much as I have. Next up will be a small story with three chapters called 'Altered Bullet'. Hopefully you'll enjoy that one as well, until then! xxx

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