Chapter six

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Kate was surprised, but yet not, that Castle suggested they'd go for a coffee. She had thought about it for a few seconds before agreeing. Normally she would never let anyone get so close to her in so little time, especially not a man, and it kind of scared her how much she already felt comfortable with him. They'd had coffee twice since they first texted about the interview and they had either texted or talked every day and she had grown to anticipate the daily text each evening. Elisabeth didn't know, had no idea Kate was texting with their favorite author. To not withhold too many things from her daughter though she did tell her about their meetings, said it was strictly the writer doing research for a new book because technically it wasn't completely a lie.

"So, does Elisabeth like the lamp? I've forgotten to ask you each time," Castle asked as they sat down with a coffee each at the booth they'd practically claimed as theirs even though they had only sat there the two previous times.

Kate took a sip of her coffee, feeling the hot liquid burn her tongue since she'd been too quick. "Oh, yeah, she loves it," she replied before biting her lip and looking up at him. "I'm sorry about that first time, in the parking lot, but in my defense I haven't exactly had the best experience and I never want my daughter to feel threatened in any way."

She'd given away too much, she could see that by the curious look he got, but she felt like she needed to let him know at least that much. There was no way she'd tell him her whole story, but at least he now knew she had somewhat trust issues. Somewhat? a low voice whispered in her mind.

"What kind of experience?" he asked and she shook her head, never needing to utter the words because he somehow read her so well, immediately changing subject. "And what do you think of my book? You gotten to it yet?"

Kate felt her lips pull at the thought of his book, the book they'd been reading every night since he bought and signed it for them only a couple weeks earlier. "We've... started, and we definitely enjoy it, both of us," she said with a blush entering her cheeks, "thanks for buying it and I promise to pay you back."

Castle just shook his head while waving his hand in disagreement. "No, no those are on me. I won't accept money from you so push that thought out of your mind. As you know money is absolutely no problem for me," he insisted with a determined tone.

"I know but..."

"No buts Kate, I know you care about money, I don't, I got enough so why not spend it on my friends?" he cut her off before she could say anything more about how unfair it would be if she took advantage of his wealthy... friendship?

Was that what they were? Friends? Kate hadn't even thought about that, hadn't given a thought as to what they were. She'd just assumed he only wanted to meet up in order to get inspiration and insights for his new book. But then again they weren't exactly being strict on keeping the talking to the job, not really, not anymore.

"Okay, fine, but next coffee is on me," Kate insisted.

He huffed but shrugged his shoulders, giving in to let her have some peace in her mind. "Sure, soo," he dragged out the word carefully before his lips turned up into a smirk. "How about next time you take me to the shooting range and show me how to handle a gun." His eyebrows wiggled and Kate chuckled at the childish excitement his whole being shone with.

"There's no way I'm letting you into the shooting range," she said for the hundredth of time.

"Yet, you also said you wouldn't have a sparring session with me and what did we do earlier exactly?" he asked with a thoughtful finger to his chin.

She narrowed her eyes at him, "Yes, but this one I mean. If my captain would find out I'd be suspended."

"Well, that would give you more time to meet up," Castle said and Kate reached past the table in order to slap his bicep. "Ow!" he yelped out, immediately rubbing the sore spot.

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