Part 3

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Kate's POV

When my mom drove us home we said goodbye to the boys and Sam yelled "I'll text you tonight!!" My mom is sooooooooo nosey "Kate Who was that?" "Mom do I have to explain this to you again for like the hundredth god damn time?!?" "Yes you do and I'm gonna ask once more to make it 101 times!" I love my mom but she seems clueless I mean I told her on the way to six flags when we got there now when we are leaving ughhh parents! "That is Sam Aldrich the super mega hunk from you-now! The one we came to meet!" She gave me a look like that was the most irrelevant thing she's ever heard in her life! "You-now that's an app right?" "OH MY GOD MOM I DONT SHUT UP ABOUT THIS AND YOU SEEM LIKE ALL THIS IS JUST IRRELEVANT!!" "I was joking god damn child!" Correction I'm not a child I'm almost 15 god! "Mom I know I will always be your little girl and I love you the same as I did when I was little and I will when I'm like 80 but I'm not a child I'm a teenager I'm almost 15 I'm gonna be driving soon!!" "Kate I have a serious question for you.." "Yes mom?" "Do you still want a pink Barbie dream car for your 16th birthday?!?!" She and Micah started busting out laughing! I can't believe she just said that! "I was 6 get over it already!!" "I need to know if I'm gonna pay for it how much is it 20 bucks?!?" I started to get pissed "JUST SHUT UP ABOUT THE GOD DAMN BARBIE CAR IT WAS 8 YEARS AGO!" The car all of a sudden went silent.. Thank God!!! "And Micah I wouldn't be talking you wanted the blue one! AHAHAHAHAHA!" No one laughed.. "So you'll laugh when my mom tells a joke but not me what the fuck man?!" We all started laughing! Now I kinda wondered if they make human size Barbie cars?!

Sam's POV

Me and Hunter stayed for a little bit after the girls left to interact with the fans more, I mean that's why we came here! The meet and greet was a lot more chill than I expected I mean there were a few girls who were like full out crying and it was sorta weird like they are crying over me and Hunter WHA? My dad came to pick me and Hunter up and we talked in the car, a talk that felt like it lasted forever!! "So boys how was it?" "Sam, why don't you tell him what happened!!" Of course I have to tell him oh my alright "well, me and Hunter met these really nice girls.." "Hold up I thought you came to meet fans not to get girlfriends?!?" "That was our plan but these really nice funny and good looking girls came and we rode A ride!" "Why only one if you liked them?" "Hunter do you wanna take it from here?" "No thanks your doing a pretty good job telling it!" "Well Micah one of the girls puked all over Kate!" "The one Sam likes!!!" "Of course now you butt in!!" "This Kate girl, what does she look like?" "Blonde hair brown eyes." "Okay Soo back to the story!!" "Alright so we rode the ride and Micah puked all over Kate and we couldn't find them and Micah blamed Kate for the whole puking thing and Micah had to buy Kate pants and they were like 2 sizes tooo big and it was just a really weird day!!" "Sounds like it!!" "Ya! Hunter thinks Micah is cute!!" "Now Sam that is Hunters personal stuff!" "Wha-wait a minute there he ju-oh my god no,no!" "Calm down I was just kidding!" I didn't talk for the rest of the ride home... But I was thinking, thinking about Kate!

Kate's POV

Micah stayed over at my house but all we did was watch netflix and drink lemonade i swear we have an obsession with that stuff! Everytime my phone went off I was hoping it was sam but it wasn't.. I started to think and you know,I don't think he is gonna text me I mean there are plenty of other girls out there how could he possibly like me? I'm just you know me,nothing worth wanting I'm just ordinary I guess! I decided I should stop thinking about Sam and what happened to day and spend time with my best friend... Who fricking puked me!! I know it wasn't her fault but still, my favorite shirt! I decided instead of watching whatever we were watching, I think it was Pretty Little Liars or something, I was going to listen to my favorite songs on replay! That's what I do when I've had a long day. Listening to music is my favorite thing to do! I started to realize that my favorite songs are weird song for girls to like, Show off by SoMo! That's my favorite song what did you expect like, one direction?!? I mean they make awesome music! The first time I heard the song was at my mom and step dads wedding. My dad died when I was about 1 and I really don't remeber much about him and I don't really want to explain the details! My step dad's nice and I'm glad my mom found love again! If it makes her happy it makes me happy! I guess.

Sam's POV

I was deciding when I should text her I mean it's only 8:00 and I don't think she would be asleep I'll text her at 9 just so it doesn't seem weird!I decided that maybe I should do a you now and I can just text her during that! When I got on everyone wanted me to do parlor but I just decided to listen to se music lets play Ride by SoMo! I decided to text her "Hey it's Sam!" Let's see what she replys with!

Kate's POV

I had finally gotten a text from Sam around 9:00 "Hey! It's Kate. Oh you already know that lol!" "So what are you doing?" "Oh I'm just watching a You Now!" "Mine?" "Ya!!!" "Awesome!!" "I know!" Yes I really was watching Sam's You Now I do whenever he broadcasts! So doesocah because I make her! I wonder if he will bring me up in the You Now...


Hey guys! So this part I thought was really good! I worked on it for like 2 and a half hours and 1 of those hours were like from 2 in the morning to 3! How do you like this one? I tried to make it less weird! I hope you like it and I tied in stuff that actually happened in my child hood like I actually did ask for a Barbie car for my 16th birthday! I regret that now because my mom brings it up like every second of the day! Any ways next update will either be later to day or tomorrow! Love you!😘😘 oh and Sam thanks for reading it! It means sooo much😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘



Vote -Caitlyn 😋

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