Part 5

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Kate's POV

Me and Micah were going to spend the day together but I got a text from Sam. He invited us to the pool! So Ofcourse we accepted! Me and Micah both loved to swim! We were on the swim team last year and we made it to states! Anyways, I was sooooooooooo excited so before we had to leave we had a few hours so we went to the mall to find some bathing suits! We went into a store and I saw the cutest Bikini ever it was like light pink with ruffles on the top piece and Micah got a baby blue bikini with Pineapples on it! Then we went and got some sandals and sun glasses both Micah and I got a pair of black Ray Bans! I got white sandals and Micah got Black ones! With all the excitement we lost track of time we were supposed to meet Sam in 30 minutes good thing I live really close to the pool! I'm soooo excited!

Sam's POV

It was 2 o'clock and they were supposed to be here all of a sudden I see Kate and Micah! And her mom. They all got out of the car. Kate looked cute in that pink swim suit! But why did Micah's have pineapples on it?! Anyways the girls gave me a look, with their heads facing torwards Kate's mom. Oh did I have to meet her?!

"Hello Sam. My Name is Mrs. Rogers. I'm Kate's mom." "Hi! Nice to meet you!" Kate rolled her eyes. She and her mom looked like they could be sisters. "Are your parents around?" "Ya they are right over there I'll go get them!" I went and got my mom and dad "that's Kate's mom! You have to go talk to her she wants to meet you!" "Okay. Sam is there any chance that you're nervous?" Ya I'm freaking nervous! "No I'm not nervous at all!!!" "Hi. I'm Brittany Rogers! Kate's mom." "Nice to meet you why don't you kids run along!" Thanks dad you saved me from total nervousness! I showed Kate and Micah the pool! "Have you guys been here before?" "Ya I live right down the road, actually!" "Really?!? So do I!" Wow I lived closer to Kate than I thought! We finally got in the pool "Hunter should be here any minute!" "Micah.. Hunters gonna be here!!" "Kate can we talk for a second" "ya sure! I'll be right back Sam!"

Kate's POV

Micah pulled me off to the side to tell me that she didn't think that Hunter liked her because he didn't act like sam! " Micah just because he doesn't act like sam doesn't mean he doesn't like you! I promise I'll figure out if he likes you! But you have to promise me that you won't go buzerk if he doesn't!!" "I promise I mean he probably he doesn't!" She was on the fence about guys she didn't trust them and since they are "famous" she must not trust them! And she thinks no one likes her which isn't true! We walked back over to Sam as we saw hunter walk up! "Hey Hunter!" "Sup guys" Micah started to blush as Hunter looked at her! "get a room you guys gosh!! No PDA in the pool!" I could see Sam holding back his laugh!

~ a few hours later~

Sam's POV

After we were done swimming we took the girls to the park we played a game of football and the we went on the swings "I haven't been on the swings for years!" "Kate!?! Your telling me you haven't gone on the swings in a couple years!!!" "Ya I guess I thought I was too old but I forgot how fun they were!" I couldn't believe this no one is ever to old for swings! I was thinking about how to ask her out should I do it while were on the swings? Should I do it by putting a not on a football and tossing it to her?I GOT IT!!

Hey Y'all!

How do you think Sam is gonna ask Kate out? Sorry I didn't update for a while! I have had a hectic week! I'll be updating a lot more I love you all thanks for liking my fan fiction Comment how you think sam is gonna ask her out😋😋😘😘😘


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