Epilogue: A New Symbiote

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Madan was flipping through reports as phone calls poured into the Agency building, and nearly screamed in a panic as Leo stepped into her office.
"Jeezus you scared me."
"What's going on? You look like the world's gone to shit." Madan scrambled through her papers, and pressed a button, showing the United States, but the map had a pulsating red dot over the state of Florida.
"It might as well. There's..something else out there that matches your description."
"That's..that's not possible."
This was Schema's endgame.
"We don't know where it's coming from, but this monster.. beast.. whatever you wanna call it, it's violent. The government is on code red."
Madan leaned against her desk, staring up at the screen, and sighed.
"This creature. None of Schema's people knew?"
"It appears not. Jenkins engineered the Anti-Venom, but he thought it'd be used to kill me and Venom. But this.." Leo rubbed his thumb over his mouth "This is different. It feels..older."
"What do you mean, older?"
"We..can't explain it."
"Without Schema to pull the strings, things are gonna get out of hand quickly, Mr. Newton."
"That is why we shall destroy this abomination." They said together, standing up. "Whatever this creature is, it's as good as dead." Madan nodded, and looked down at her polished, oak desk. She swore that as they spoke, she could see the reflection of two white, glowing eyes. When she glanced up, it was only Leo.

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