Chapter One

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She's seen innocent people die, by her hand...pain,  hurt, violence, and hate especially in her own heart seemingly follows her like a ghostly shadow.

S.H.E.I.L.D Triskelion


"You know I can't do that!" I protested.

"Yes you can agent, in life sometimes you have to do things you don't want to and you signed yourself up for this. So I suggest you follow orders unless you want to go back to the Russia." Colson retorted.

I cringed at his mention to my past.
"Yes Sir." I said reluctantly and stormed out of the room away from our organization's director.
He knows I can't go back to the place were it all started...the nightmares..the training...
Why does he want me to do this? Is he trying to give me a break down, heart attack or something? 

"Agent Romanoff," startling me out of my thoughts.

"We have a Heli carrier ready for you, please report to the loading deck with your things packed immediately. Colson's orders." A young unknown S.H.E.I.L.D worker said.
He looked like security, I nodded in acknowledgement and began walking toward the elevator so I could head up to my office to pack.
When the doors slid open there were roughly 5 buff guys, all armed and packed in the box.
A flashback of a story Captain Rogers once told me brushed my mind. I hoped this story wouldn't end like his did.

"Good luck getting in there Tash!" I thought.
I squeezed in the tight elevator when I noticed that the guy standing next to me was tense and griping his gun as if he were ready to draw. I looked around discreetly noticing the body language of the others. None of them would make eye contact with me.
I was now on high "Black Widow" alert, ready for attack.

Suddenly, the man to my rear me gripped my throat aggressively, positioning me into a choke hold, causing me to gasp and for a second loose my bearing.
Another attempted to grab my feet, years of defensive tactics flooded my mind and muscles responding by kicking him in the groin, earning me a muffled grunt from him as he collapsed.

I slammed the guy who had me in a head lock against the elevator walls as hard as I could manage, while head budding him with the back of my skull, pain trickled through me, I shoved it away.
I activated my widows bite gauntlets and electrocuted him, two guys down.
A third charged towards me, I stepped back causing him to loose his balance and without hesitation I seized my opportunity, driving my knee into his nose. With one swift motion, I spun around to see a slim black can pointed at my face, what I assumed to be pepper spray, I dodged his attempt, grabbing his outstretched arm pulling it into an arm bar, and snapping the bone with a crrrack! His body slumped into the side of the elevator.

The last, unholstered his gun, and before he could shoot, I folded his arm causing the Glock to slam into his now very bruised face. The entire ordeal lasted what I assumed to be 30 seconds.

"Ding" Like clockwork the elevator doors slid open, to reveal were two soldiers with AK 47s charging in my direction.

Despite exhaustion creeping up on me, I smiled at them both with confidence, and stepped out into the floor for a broader fighting space.
I squatted low and swung my left leg as hard as I could, knocking the guy on my left down as my leg made contact.
Sloppily, he tried to point the gun at me triggering my battle instincts, I grabbed the barrel, moving it away from my body, and pushed it into his skull. Just as a did with the Glock and immediately focused on my next threat.
The guy to my right was a bit shocked & actually just stood there foolishly with a childlike expression.
Smirking, I knew he'd be easy to take out because he was surprised at my agility and speed, if he was smart he would of already tried to attack me, which either way he would fail.

I thought about shooting him, but determined this could be a drill so opted for subduing. I jumped up on his shoulders, and jammed my hands into his neck electrocuting him with my Widows cuffs. I flipped off before he could fall and stuck the landing, definitely looking like a total badass.

Why are they attacking me with such lethal force? I never knew what to expect with Colson's tests.
I hate it when he does this! 


I opened the door to my petite office, revealing a drab blue room, a wood desk, computer, and two chairs. I wasn't one for interior design.

Making my way to my desk, I fiddled in my pocket to grab a key. Unlocking the drawer, I jammed my hand into the compartment, grabbing a bag full of equipment, I always had on hand for last minute assignments & emergency's. Opening the zipper making sure money, fake ID's, burner cell phones, and weapons were accounted for.

I pulled my suit out of the bag and slipped into it within a matter of seconds. Making my way across the room I hastily shoved the clothes I'd just removed into the bag. As soon as I began to twist the silver door knob, the tell tale sign of the intercoms booming voice announced,

"All agents, we are under ambush. Please follow all orders if directed, proceed in a code 7890. Thank you."

"Great, guess it wasn't a drill." I thought. I stepped into the hall slinging the bag over my shoulder as I picked up a light jog in the direction of the loading deck. Surprisingly, I didn't have face any more obstacles.
I arrived at the loading dock safety to see Colson waiting for me next to a Heli carrier. 

"Agent Romanoff, glad to see you made it, hurry." Colson said motioning towards the entrance.

"Who is it? Attacking us?" I asked impatiently, sweat danced on my eyebrow.

"Hydra, this time its major." He answered coupled with a grim expression.

"Great isn't it always? Why are they doing it?" I said climbing aboard the craft.

"They want some old weird cases on the Red Skull, as far as I know they're going to try and recreate something like him, pretty scary. Now please get comfortable, my time is like a toddler in a tiara, small and precious." He said smiling.

"Yes Sir!" I replied mockingly.


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