The Misunderstanding (SOTUS)

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It was a dark and stormy night. The wind blew through the open patio door causing the curtains to billow in. The lights flickered a few times threatening to plunge me into darkness but never seemed to make good on their promise. Despite the pounding of the rain, the breeze felt nice and helped cool my temper.

I'm sitting in my room. Alone. P'Arthit is mad at me again. It wasn't really my fault this time but that never seems to matter when a certain pink milk monster is involved. If only he would have listened to my explanation.

The day started off great. We woke up together, well in the same bed at least. I had woken up three hours earlier but who's counting. I went for a run, got breakfast, came back and had a shower. I was quite careful when it came to waking up my beloved. One wrong move and it could have been disastrous but I had done it grace and finesse managing to wake up P'Arthit without any problems.

We shared breakfast then went our separate ways.

Even though our classes are in the same faculty they aren't near each other. I would love to see him in class just once. There are times I imagine being in the same class with him. That probably wouldn't end well. I can be a bit competitive. Still, it would be fun to see how P'Arthit is in that type of setting. It's really the only aspect of his personality that I don't know.

Class finally let out and I headed for lunch. I was excited to see P'Arthit. It was crazy but I missed him. It had only been a few hours but it was still hard. I wondered what it would be like next year when P'Arthit would be interning. He would barely be around. My chest hurt thinking about it.

I saw the object of my desire at our usual table with the usual people. I made my way there completely focused on getting to be near him again.

I have no idea where this person came from but suddenly I was grabbed and pulled into someone's arms. Before I could figure out what was happening, lips pressed against mine.

I was shocked, but not so much that I couldn't tell that those lips did not belong to my Pii. I pushed, rather forcefully, and took a few steps back.

"What the hell are you doing?" I screamed.

It's unlike me. I rarely lose my temper but how dare someone do that? They kissed me without my consent. These lips already have an owner. One that would punish me even though this is clearly not my fault.

The unknown person looked at me like I was the crazy person. She had big fat tears welling in her eyes and her lips began to quiver. I simply stared at her uncaring waiting for her to make her move.

"Kongpob, how could you?" She asked.

I continued to stare at her wondering what her end game was. I have to admit, this was a first for me. I have plenty of people confess but no one has ever been so forward. I was stunned at the audacity.

I was heaving, anger clearly written on my face. A quick glance at my Pii told me he felt the same. I pinch the bridge of my nose trying to calm myself down. She is a girl after all. Her only saving grace was that P'Arthit had an angry look and not a hurt one. If he had looked sad I wouldn't have cared if she were a six year old girl in pigtails, I would've torn her apart.

"Kong. Just calm down man." M said clapping me on the shoulder.

"Yeah, it's not worth it. Let's just forget about it and go have lunch." Wad chimed in.

"Deep breaths man. Slow and steady." Oak counseled as he prodded me to move.

The deep breaths actually worked. Oak is good for something sometimes I suppose. I stood straight and then headed off with my friends.

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