Games People Play (2moons)

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I'm sitting on the beach under an umbrella watching Pha and Beam play in the water.  Why am I under an umbrella instead of playing happily in the water? Well that would be because stupid Beam said I was pinking up, as if his fair skin doesn't burn.  That doesn't matter though, as soon as Pha heard that I was banished out here.

Every now and then they look my way and wave.  I usually wave back with a single finger.  The middle one to be precise.  They simply laugh then go back to frolicking.  I don't miss the looks they get from the girls.  I can't help that I scan the beach and take in every lust filled expression pointed towards my boyfriends.

As I'm watching a volleyball rolls over and hits me on the foot.  I grab it and am about to throw it when the owner runs over.  He's obviously been playing because he's slightly out of breath when he reaches me.

"Sorry man." He says as he grabs the ball.

"No problem." I answer with a smile.

"Wanna play? We could use another player." He offers pointing towards the net.

I look around him at the volleyball game that's going on.  It looks fun.  I notice they are a man down so I feel like I can help even that out.

"Sure.  I'll join you." I say pulling my shirt over my head.

"No need for that.  We're playing shirts and skins and you'll be on my team." He says and that's when I notice that he doesn't have a shirt on.

Now I have a dilemma.  Going to play will probably  get me into trouble, but playing shirtless will definitely get me into trouble.  I look into the water and notice the group of girls that has formed around Pha and Beam.  I'm not jealous.  I'm NOT jealous. Then I decide screw it, I'm gonna play.

"I burn easily." I say, keeping my shirt on.

"No problem, we'll just switch you out with another player." He says easily.

"I'm Tee by the way." He says as we walk towards the group.

"Kit." I reply.

I follow him to the group and one of the players happily switches with me.  I can see it in their eyes, they think I'll be an easy mark because I'm small, but they don't know that I'm a fantastic volleyball player.  Not boasting but I'm pretty great at all sports.  I have to be since I've been playing with Pha and Beam most of our lives and they can be a tad bit competitive.  I'm not going to be the weakest link in our group, so I play hard all of the time.

They quickly learn that I am not the person to aim at and soon they're playing keep away from Kit.  My team, which was losing, is now winning and I think the other team is regretting asking me to play.  Two more shots and the game is ours.  I'm surrounded by strangers all hugging me and truthfully I'm beginning to feel uncomfortable but I accept the gratitude.

I start to separate myself from the group when I come face to face Tee.  He hasn't bothered to put his shirt back on yet and he's glistening from sweat.  I have to admit, he is not bad to look at.  He's tall, good looking, and well built.  He's Pha just not as gorgeous.  He smiles widely at me and I smile back.

"Hey thanks man for playing." He says a bit out of breath.

"No problem it was fun. Thanks for asking." I say.

"Hey if you're not busy..."

"KIT!" Pha calls out.

I turn and see Beam and Pha making their way towards us.  They look less then pleased right now as they all but bang on their chests to display dominance.

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