Happy Birthday part 2 (Kit)

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Kit's POV:

I wake and stretch my  arm out to where Ming should be.  His side is cold.  I lift my head and  notice the note on his pillow.  Damn, I missed him.  I wanted to make  breakfast for him. Looking at the clock, I see I have another hour  before I have to wake up so I go back to sleep.

At 11, I meet up with  Pha and Beam and we go to class together.  It was long and arduous but  finally our first block is over.  We head down to the cafeteria for  dinner.  Our next block starts at five.  While we're eating I notice  that Beam and Pha keep giving me strange looks.  What the hell is their  problem?  Finally I slam down my chopsticks and spoon.

"WHAT!?" I yell.

"Nothing.  What? Why?" Pha says.

He knows something.   He's never this stupid unless he's trying to hide something.  I narrow  my gaze at him and he looks away.  That's another tell dammit.  Beam  starts snickering, I'm sure because he knows how obvious Pha is being.

"Spit it out.  What do you want to say." I coax, well coaxing for me.

"I can't.  Yo will kill me." He says.

"Beam?" I ask looking at my other friend.

"Oh he won't kill me, but Forth made me promise." He says with a shit eating grin.

"So both of you know something that has to do with me, but you won't tell me?" I clarify.

"Yes." They both say with a single nod.

"Whatever." I mumble into my lunch.

"Hey Pha?" Beam says after a few bites.

"When's Yo's birthday? Forth's is next month and I want to plan something special." Beam states.

"Oh, Yo's birthday is in January so I have some time." Pha answers while still chewing.

What the hell brought this up?  Man they're acting strange.

"What about Ming? When's his birthday Kit?" Beam asks.

I give him a strange  look as I try to think of when his birthday is.  I don't know when it  is.  I'll ask him later since these losers are so focused on their  boyfriends' birthdays.  I'm sure it's not any time soon.  There's no way  he would have kept that a secret, my Ming is an open book.

"I don't know, I haven't asked him." I admit.

"Dude, it could be like today and you wouldn't even know." Pha says.

"No way, Ming would have said something." I say confidently.

"Would he now?" Beam questions looking down at his plate.

"Yeah.  He'd be too excited and would want me to baby him.  He would have somehow managed to tell me." I tell them.

"But you know what, I'll ask him tomorrow after class when I see him."

"NO!" They both yell.

"What the hell is wrong with you two?" I say giving them a questioning look.

"Us? Nothing.  I just think you shouldn't wait." Beam says and Pha agrees if his bobbing head is any indication.

"Great news! Evening class has been cancelled for today!" A classmate calls out as he runs by.

"Why?" We ask together.

"Professor Auntie has the flu.  Isn't that great?" He calls back to us.

"That really is great." Beam says with a chuckle.

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