Happy Birthday part 1 (Mingkwan)

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This is for my sweet Anne whose birthday was yesterday.  Happy birthday my little sister.


It's nearly 7pm. I'm here at the medical faculty with my best friend waiting for our boyfriends. We do this almost every night since their courses last so much longer than ours do.  We've been doing this for the last three weeks. This new block has their classes ending quite late.

"So do you have any plans with P'Kit tomorrow night?" Yo asks excitedly.

"Nope. He has a late class tomorrow so we're getting together on Saturday." I explain.

"But tomorrow's your birthday." He says looking upset.

"I know, but it can't be helped. Besides, I didn't tell him it was my birthday." I say casually.

"WHAT?! You didn't tell him? Why not? He's gonna be mad." He says.

"No. He won't. We've only been dating for three months, so I'm not really expecting anything." I tell him.

"How can you when you didn't give him a chance?" He complains under his breath, but still loud enough for me to hear.

"I'll tell him if he asks." I say.

"A lot of good that'll do you this year." He says.

"Did you tell P'Pha when your birthday was?"

"Yes I did." He says indignantly.

"Did he ask you?"

"Yes." He says much softer.

I nod at his reply. Of course P'Pha asked. I'm sure he found out everything there was to know about Yo as soon as possible because he's been in love with Yo for forever. It's not the same with P'Kit and me. I had to wear him down until he agreed to date me. Even now I know that my feelings are much stronger than his are.

"When's his birthday?" Yo asks breaking my train of thoughts.

"April 27th." I say quickly.

"How do you know?"

"I asked P'Beam." I say with a smile.


I know what he's thinking.  I know that he's worried that this is a one-sided love.  I know that he's afraid that I'll get hurt by expecting too much from my sometimes prickly other half.  I know his concerns for me and I appreciate them.

"It's OK Yo. One day we'll get to where you and P'Pha are. I just have to be patient, that's all." I tell my very concerned looking friend.

"Well I guess it's just you and me tomorrow then." He announces, clapping his hand on my shoulder.

"For what?" P'Forth asks.

We turn and look at him offering a wai as he sits down. Just like us, he's waiting for his doctor to finish class. This is our usual Thursday evening since we all finish before them.

"Oh, it's Ming's birthday tomorrow. I'm gonna take him out for dinner. Want to come? P'Beam has a late class too." Yo invites.

"Sure, sounds like fun. Just us three or should I invite a few more people?" He asks.

"I'm fine either way Pii." I say truthfully.

P'Forth pulls out his phone and starts typing on it. He waits a few minutes then smiles and shakes his head.

"OK, I just told Lam and he'll get the word out."

"I'm not paying for everyone." Yo says sternly.

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