Chapter Two - Sophie: I Almost Kill a Hiker

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hey guys! so double upload yaaaay! haha its because i didn't have to actually write this today , i  just uploaded it from my old word doc :) hehe so this will be the last upload for a while til I find out how many of you guys like it and if you want to keep reading it and til I catch up my other stories :)


Sophie absent mindedly pushed back the waves that escaped her long braid and adjusted the quiver of arrows hanging on her shoulder. The humidity in Berkley made her purple shirt cling to her body. Mud was clinging to her boots making the incline of the hill even harder. Bugs kept attacking her bare arms, no matter how hard she tried to shake them off. The top of the hill seemed as far as when they first started. The group she was with jerked to a stop every few steps to check new tracks. At the every sound they tensed and pulled out their hunting knives. They walked as one, following each other's steps perfectly with Sophie trailing behind. An angry gurgle escaped from Sophie's stomach. They needed food for camp or it'd be bite sized rations for who knows how long. She shuddered at the thought. Only after she looked up at the head of the line, she noticed Conner had been watching her and witnessed her moment of weakness. He was smirking at her with a satisfied glint in his eye. Throwing her braid back over her shoulder, Sophie pushed past him with a determined look.  

Now in front of Conner and at the head of the line, Sophie had no choice to continue up the hill, despite the fact the fact her palms were getting sweatier by the second. We're almost there... she thought, her heart beating out of her chest. The climb seemed to speed up, although each leaden step seemed to drag her down. Beads of sweat dripped down her face, and a cold chill raced down her spine. The sight on the rapidly approaching top made the safety of her bed quite appealing. 

Sophie nearly collapsed as she reached the top. Tarnished memories blasted her, and nausea coursed through her body, but she only let out an inaudible gasp. The rest of the group pushed past her, into a clearing. Conner, the last to come up, paused on his way past her and whispered in her ear, "Don't worry Princess, I got it from here," and pushed his way into the center of the group. Not to be out done, Sophie shook herself and marched into the clearing, bow at the ready. As the rest of the group spread out looking for tracks and droppings to trace, Sophie strained to hear any sound against the blood pounding in her ears. Finally, her mental wall collapsed with a shudder. The memories of his brown hair blowing slightly in the breeze, the glint of anxiety that danced through his eyes, and the simple smile he gave to reassure her that everything was fine all came flooding back. Then the blinding flash of a supernova. His form dissolving and seeping into the light. The blackness folding over her until she couldn't breathe and hit the ground. Sophie cried out and the soft twang of her bow cut through the echo. The arrow raced through the bushes that were rustling faintly moments before. A thud answered back, and she knew she hit her mark. The boys pulled out their knives and started to race forward, but Sophie stopped them. Curious, she ran toward her arrow, with her knife drawn. 

She found a piteous site. Her arrow had pinned a boy her age, around sixteen, to the tree by his shirt. It was a plaid flannel, as if he camp from camping. He looked dazed as though he had fallen from the sky and landed on his head. The poor boy was so weak; he was leaning on the tree for support. Guilt striking her, Sophie dropped her knife and ran to him. With ease, she yanked the arrow out of the tree, and the boy collapsed to the ground. Feverishly, she searched through her bag to find a baggie of crushed up lemon bars. Carefully, she fed them to the boy, and slowly his eyes started to stay open and he could support himself. Seeing her, his eyes grew wider. 

Slowly, he breathed out, "It'" 

Lowering her face to look him in the eyes, Sophie asked as gently as she could, "Who are you?" 

Looking back with desperate confusion, he replied, "I don't know." 

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