Chapter 3 - Sophie: I Pick a Fight

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hey guys! so this is the last chapter that I have pre-written from last summer - so the updates will be harder from now on. BUT! I need to know how many of you are actually interested in reading this! Please let me know im always open to chat or even votes and comments will keep the story going. I just need to more interest in it :) - gabs <3


Stunned at his answer, Sophie blinked blankly at him. He looked around wildly, and Sophie felt pity as she remembered what she felt like after awaking up in the clearing alone. The slight swooshing sound of metal cutting through the air dragged her from her thoughts. Conner's gladius was resting on the neck of the boy, whose eyes grew large at the site and he looked up with anger. With surprising speed he knocked the point away from his vulnerable neck and jumped to his feet. Swaying slightly, he leaned on the tree for support but stood standing. Conner, the blood rushing to face from the boy's defiance, threw his arm back to strike with his blade. Right before contact Sophie paired the blow with her hunting knife. 

Her eyes blazing, she forced his blade to the side and yelled, "Are you crazy? What the heck do you think you're doing? You can't just go around swinging your blade around you nutjob!" 

Conner drew back and muttered, "Well, we don't know him." 

"Oh, so it's fine just to go decapitating random strangers! Yeah, that makes perfect sense." 

Clenching the hilt of his gladius, Conner snapped back, "Well you're the one going around with your guard down, skipping around the forest like an idiot; it's no wonder you got mugged!" 

"It was an ambush!" 

"So? If it wasn't for you, he'd still be here!" The rest of the group gasped, and Sophie took a small step back with tears filling her eyes. Conner went for the low hit, and said accusatorily, "It's your fault." 

Sophie opened her mouth to shout back through the tears streaming down her face when a loud crunched sound came from behind her. The group froze, weapons at the ready. Without hesitation, Sophie strung an arrow and let it fly. No sound came from the direction of the arrow, so Sophie with her knife drawn went to retrieve it. As she slowly approached the shadowy area were her it lay hidden, a deformed face with a huge red eye appeared before her. The face and the rest of its body lunged at her, and she swung blindly. Somehow, she managed to slash the face deep enough to buy her enough time to run back to the group. 

One of the boys in the back yelled, "Cyclops!" 

The monster, still holding its bleeding face, bellowed loudly. Suddenly two more massive Cyclopes appeared in the clearing. The largest one, the one Sophie had taken a knife to, bellowed again while pointing towards the group. At once the rest of them attacked. Sophie quickly rolled out of the way of the fight to find a good spot for her to shoot her arrows, because her knife was too short to fight with. As she scanned the area, she heard Conner cry out in pain. He had gone after the largest Cyclopes, who Sophie now realized had been going after her.  

Conner and the Cyclops were in close combat. Then Conner swung too high and the beast hit him with his massive club. He hit the ground and his sword flew out of his hand, and as the Cyclops brought his club high for the final blow Sophie shouted and leapt onto the monster. Plunging her knife deep into its arm, she hoped to make some damage. Instead, it roared in anger and threw her off. Sophie hit the tree hard, and fell to the ground. Her strength left her as she looked up at the approaching Cyclops. Well, this is the end... she thought as she braced herself for the impact. Then the boy stepped in front of her. Sophie tried to yell for him to run, to save himself, but it came out a painful whimper. He pulled a ballpoint pen out of his pocket, uncapped it, and it grew until a large golden blade appeared in his hand. He paired the blow of the club then stepped closer and with and easy swing sliced through the monster. It desegregated into a pile of gold dust that blew away in the wind.  

Boy paled at the monster remains blowing away in the wind. Sophie heard him say to himself, "Cyclops? That can't be right..."

Sophie was speechless and in awe of the strange boy, that she didn't even notice that the rest of the group had taken care of the other two Cyclopes. The boy held out his hand to her and helped her up. She stood shakily. Conner strutted over and called out to him. 

"What are you playing at? Who are you?" 

"Nothing, and I told you! I don't know. Maybe you should learn to listen next time," The boy snapped back. 

Conner was about to respond when Sophie cut him off, "Conner, we don't have time for this right now. Leave your man pride issues alone so we can get out of here. We need to get back to the house before more show up." 

"He's not coming with us," Conner said stubbornly 

"He has to. Can't you see he's one of us!" Sophie added weakly, "Please, Conner," 

"Wait, what are you guys even talking about? I want some answers," the boy interrupted. 

"Oh please, like you don't know." 

"I don't." 

"Conner," Sophie said, struggling now to stay upright, "we can explain later. Can we go now?" 

"Fine. Let's go, but don't think about trying any funny things, got it?" Conner said, gripping his gladius menacingly. 

Then Sophie's knees buckled, and she collapsed.  

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