Chapter four - Percy: My Gut Starts to Hurt

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Hey guys so this is the fourth chapter. umm I only have like three people reading so far that I know of...and I kinda need more to keep this story up and going so please spread the word. Im super grateful to those that are reading I really am, in fact you guys are why Im still uploading and not just keeping it on my computer all sad and lonely. comment vote, tell me what you guys are thinking of stuff kay :) - gabs


It had been three hours. Three hours and Percy still hadn't left her side. His eyes flickered over to an opening in the trees, where he could see the sun above, and figured out the time. The later it got, the more anxious he became; he ran his hands through his messy brown hair. Percy leaned back against a tree trunk with a long sigh and rolled the beads around his neck absentmindedly.

Then a thought struck him. Where had he gotten those beads anyway? And why were they so special that he was wearing them? There were five all together, each with an odd, seemingly meaningful design. But that was the thing. They were seemingly meaningful - they had meaning, Percy just couldn't remember what. There was a maze; maybe he was in a contest in the country somewhere? But what he couldn't explain was the first bead. The one with a trident on it. It tugged at his gut as his finger ran over it and mind was itching - on the brink of a memory - but he drew up a blank. Percy dropped his head into his hands in frustration; why couldn't he just remember the  slightest thing? The last memory he had was of falling, falling in complete darkness, as a light above him faded. An image burned against his eyes as he fell - one of a girl that looked exactly like the one who pulled the arrow out of his shirt.

The girl.

Percy's head snapped up to look at her again. Why was she so special? He felt drawn to her, protective, familiar. Her hair was the  exact same color as his own, except what wasn't trapped in a braid fell in waves around her face. The girl had high cheekbones, like someone he knew before, someone he couldn't remember - but he knew he was close with. Her arms had a few scars, but from what, Percy couldn't tell. She shifted in her sleep and her sleeve lifted up her arm a bit, to expose a fraction of black ink. Curious, Percy gently lifted her arm and rolled up her sleeve. He gasped as surprise rippled through him and stared wide-eyed at the tattoo burned into her skin. It looked like a bar code of some sort, with the letters SPQR above them, but was got Percy the most was the trident. The trident that looked exactly like the one on his bead, and that pulled at his gut. Was this why he felt he knew her? A voice in the back of his mind told him that there was so much more.

"I told you!," a voice yelled into the quiet air, "He can't come. I don't care what she has to say. She can stay here too for all I care."

"But...Reyna has final say on that and you know it," another voice aruged back.

"I don't care what Reyna says. She wont stay praetor for long. Not if she won't have me as a partner. Now let's go, before it gets dark."

"But she isn't ready."'

"We'll see about that."

Percy gritted his teetch and tightened his hold on the pen in his pocket. Not sure why - it was just a reflex. He may not remember who his friends were or what they were like, but he was certain this loudmouth wouldn't be one he'd sit around a campfire with. The arrogant tone of voice made his blood boil, and disregard for this girl's health was sickening. They couldn't be bothered to find decent shelter for the girl to rest in, and simply let her crumple to the ground to lay on a bed of shard grass. And they were only kind enough to do that because none of them could carry her every far.

He saw one of the boys come his way. It was the same one that put a knife to his throat earlier. least it was someone who was friendly. He walked with his chest puffed out and his sword swinging widely by his side.

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