Fucking James (5)

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Ok well fucken shit this chapter got deleted the first few times I wrote it. I am on a new account currently. this is why my lack in appearances have been a higher level than usual. sorry sorry and such. if you wish to know the account you have to private message me because some people are dicks and ok reasons thank you I love you and holy fricken Christ 2000 reads am I rambling I'm sorry I'm rambling ill write now

Seamus' POV

I angrily storm out of the house, thoughts racing as well as my heart as I mumbled to myself. "Damnit James..." I hissed atthe imaginary James in my head. I looked up, brushing against people but not caring about the dirty looks I received.

I saw James' car and turned the corner into tthe house's sidewalk. I banged on the door and it flew open to James. "Seamus..." James mumbled. "Yeah its fucking me" I didn't know if he was worried but he better be, I don't think ive ever been tthis angry at a single person more than this.

A girl popped behind him anand my anger grew. "who is it, biggie?" She says, her voice soft and gentle. "It's just uh-Seamus" You could sense the tension in the air and you could feel the inevitably of a bitch slap in store for James. "oh yes it is.fucking Seamus" I spit back.

The girl was clearly put off by my tone and I could not give two fucks. I made contact of hand to cheek and slapped James across the face. I felt like a drama queen an that's not always a bad thing. If I cant make James kneel one way I can make him kneel another. Bow down to queen Seamus.

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