Get Out (8)

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[[A/N longer chapter because I love you.]]

[[A/N and I updated late oops. My new schedule is in my bio if you are interested]]

Seamus' POV

A few hours after playing a game one of the other creatures had recommended, Jordan poked his head into my door, "Seamus.. uh get ready for movie night. We're leaving in about an hour" I nodded and looked back at him, my anger simmered and almost completely gone as I smiled softly.

After he left to get ready for the skit that I had refused to be in, I definitely did not want to make jokes with James, I shut down my computer and stood up, stretching out and earning a few cracking noises from my stiff back. I hear a small knock on the door and I run a hand through my hair, raising an eyebrow. "It's open" I reply to the person on the other side of the door. Click, then the door slowly opens, James. "No, get out" I demand bluntly, "Seamus please let me make it up to you" His voice was gentle and it brought confusion, he was always so rowdy and loud..

I shook my head sternly, I wasn't going to give into some phony act that he had hastily pieced together. if he wanted to right this wrong it was going to take a hell of a better plan than this. "go do your damn skit" I snapped, James small frown shrinking into a larger sigh. "Stop looking at me like that" I said with a weak tone, my emotions giving up while my mind was stubborn.

Just leave, I thought, Just leave. I looked down, actually considering forgiving him. But he played with my emotions, he tossed them around and had the audacity to deny it. I looked up again, my eyebrows furrowing, "Why should I let you try and make this better?" I said quietly.

"James! Skit!" Jordan's voice echoed through the office and I just stared at James blankly. "Bye Seamus" he said back softly, turning and leaving the room, my question still unanswered as I sat back down. I felt sick.

Maybe At Midnight {Jeamus}Where stories live. Discover now