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Luna pov

After that encounter with my teacher it was time for me to go home, finally.

I gathered all my belongings and said quick goodnight to Tiffany, as she is there until 5am, I know.

I decided to go longer route, because I didn't want to encounter another murder. I should probably avoid that place now on.

As I was walking I saw Damian talking to two other dudes, I decided to walk closer, that seemed great idea in my mind, but it wasn't

"So you are telling me that someone saw what you two imbecilles did and she just ran away?" Damian asked
"Do you know what happens if she decided to go to the police? Hmm, well we are in shit of a trouble" Damian said angrily at them.

I walked little closer so I could see them probebly, and that's when it's hit me. THEY WERE THE TWO DUDES on allway.

Oh shit, oh shit. I quickly walked backwards, but just my luck I tripped in air and fall flat on my ass, great.

"What was that?" Damian asked.
"We dont know" buff 1&2 said in unision.

"WELL FUCKING GO SEE" damian yelled them.
Quickly they went to my direction and as I was getting up, on of them yell "HEY YOU STOP"

I got up quicker than the flash of light and I was ready to run. But then I heard it. Gun click.

"I succeed you to stop, unless you want your brain all over the place" buff 2 said.

I stopped, but didn't dare to turn, I was so sweaty. My heart was pounding so hard. My hands were shaking. Then pam and everything was dark.

Damian pov

"So you are telling me a stripper is what saw you guys?" I asked them as I was driving my car.
"Well yes I, I mean we are almost sure, well she didn't have white hair when we saw her but blonde. Although it could be wig" buff 1 said.

"Well we see as soon we get to my house" I said to them.

After 15 minutes ride we finally were at my house. I parked my car. After that I opened the backseat door and put the girl on my shoulders, as I was walking I saw something drop of her, it was the wig. They were right it was a wig.

I walked inside of my house, as my two guardians mike and stefan guared my house. The two buff guys.

She still in my shoulder I walked upstairs to my room and layed her on my bed. I decided to tie her arms on my bedpost, so she wouldn't try anything. As I watched her closely I notice she looked quite familiar, but I couldn't but my fingers on where.

I left the room and got to my office doing some reacher.

Luna pov

When I wake up, I didn't see anything my head was throbbing, as I was trying to massage my eyes, I couldn't move my hands. I rampage my arms and kick my legs.


After two minutes with absolutely silence

Then the door opened, only to reveal my teacher, Damian. Or mr. Black

"Oh shut up you're not going to do anything" Damian said.

"Let. Me. Go." I said and looked him with scowl on my face. "You can't keep me here on hostage."

"Well little girl, that's the thing I can do whatever I want, and when I wan't" Damian said with smirk on his face.

"Asshole" was my only response.
"What did you just said to me?" He asked with so much authority on his voice, that it send shivers down to my body.

"N-nothing" was my response this time.


So this was my third chapter, tell me did you liked it and if not.

I know you guys must think that this story is moving to quick. And trust me it is, but that's just who I am. Well I try to make this chapters longer, but I can't because if I would this whole story would be one part. So I have to stop somewhere :D

And english isn't my first language so there will be mistakes, but if you can tell me what is incorrect that would be nice.

And thankyou to all my 5 readers who have even checked this book. Maybe in 3 years I have 5 thousands, haha. Well bye have a nice whatever.

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