Runaway ~ pesy ~ chapter two

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Hey guys :) hope that you liked the first chapter, was also wondering if you wanted leighade in this story too. Comment what you want and Don't forget to vote xoxo


Jesys POV

The taxi stopped just outside the train station where me and Perrie got out with our many bags. I walked round to the front of the cab where the driver slid the window down. I got out my purse that was overflowing with money and handed him £10.


The morning before I left the house was chaotic. My mum was late for work and was rushing around trying to find her handbag. Jade was in her room talking to one of her friends whist getting ready for collage. I was hoping that it wouldn't be like this because I wanted to spend some time with mum and Jade before we left.

I went and sat on the sofa knowing that my bags were packed and hidden under my bed, just incase mum or jade decided to go in there. Not paying much attention to the TV I began thinking about how me and perrie would get on when we arrived at our new home.

I must have looked as if I was thinking hard about something because I could hear my mum talking to me.

"Are you ok love ?" Asked my mum as she at herself down next to me.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I replied, turning to face her.

"Ok then", she smiled at me as she spoke. "We'll, I'd better get if to work then, see you later." She stood up, got her hand bag, and left the room. Words that would seem so simple to her, were so hard for me to hear. This is because the fact was that she wouldn't see me later. Later I would be gone, me and perrie would be on our second train and my mum would have to come home to an empty house.

The door shut behind my mum and I could hear the car rev up. Backing out of the drive, she waved at me as I sat on the sofa. I waved back, feeling my eyes well up with tears.

I had always been a mummy's girl. I think that it might be because it was only ever me, mum, jade and my brothers while I was growing up.

I was snapped out of these thoughts as jade walked down the stairs, headphones in ears, not a care in the world. For the second time today, someone who I loved and cared about stepped outside of the door without saying a proper goodbye. I watched through the window as she walked up the drive and around the corner.

Sitting there for a few minutes on my own felt awful, thinking about what I had just lost. I quickly pushed these thoughts to the back of my mind as I reminded myself of what I had gained. Perrie. I would be able to live with her and love her but most important, we would both be able to be happy together.

I went up to my room and hauled the bags from under my bed. While I was Picking up my handbag from by my wardrobe, I spotted the empty purse lying on my desk. I pulled the stopper out of the bottom of my piggy bank and shoved all the money into my purse. Gathering my bags, I went down the stairs and out the front door, locking it behind me.

*flashback over*

Perries POV

We walked away from the taxi and to the timetable.

"When's the next train to Birmingham?" asked Jesy, eyes scanning over the table In front of us.

"Ermmm ....." I said, looking for a answer. "10:10"

"We'll that's twenty minutes away" said Jesy, looking back at me. "so maybe we should go and sit down for a bit."

We picked our bags up again and made our way over to the small cafe by the trains.

"I think my arms are going to snap," I complained, groaning as the bags weighed me down.

" shouldn't have brought as much stuff then, should you?" Was the sarcastic reply I got of Jesy.

I pouted as we sat down at a small table. Jesy leaned in and kissed me, not letting me pout for long. I couldn't help but kiss her back.


Jesys POV

Me and Perrie were sat on our second train now. She had her head rested on my shoulder as she looked through the window. I had my arm round her waist, pulling her closer

It was getting to about five o'clock and my mum would be getting home from work any time now. I switched my phone off to make things easier, for now.

"What time will your mum be home from work?" I asked perrie.

She lifted her head and looked at me for a minuet. I could tell from the look on her face that she was having to think about It. "I think that she works till six on a Saturday, why?"

"My mum will be home any minute now," I said, thinking about how she would come home to no one.

"I'm sorry" whispered Perrie, sitting up a bit more and looking down at her feet.

"What are you saying sorry for?" I asked wrapping my arm round her waist and pulling her closer again.

"All of this is my fault, it's only because of my mum that we are doing this. I made you choose between your family and me." She replied. I hated seeing perrie this upset.

"None of this is your fault Perrie, don't get upset about it. We are going to go and live in that little house and we are going to be together forever." I held both her hands in mine and looked at her until she turned to face me. "I love you more than anything and I would give up everything for you."

"Are you sure?" She asked.

"Definitely" I said, before connecting our lips together into a long and passionate kiss.

Pulling away for breath, I gazed into her eyes, admiring her beauty. I can't believe that she is really mine. I know that she is worth it and would truly give up anything for her, even if that includes my own family.

Perries POV

I returned to my previously position, resting my head on her shoulder and aimlessly looking out the window. Small rain drops were forming on the window as the train sped through the country side. The surrounding changing gradually from the city centre of Birmingham, to the hills of the Lake District. Dark clouds hung over the beautiful landscape causing more rain to fall from the sky.

Me and Jesy stayed cuddled up on our seat for the rest of the journey until we heard the speaker.

"We are approaching the final stop. Please collect your belongings and exit the train."


The train went round the corner and we were left standing at a old bus shelter typed building. We crossed the bridge that took us to the opposite side of the track.

"Where to now?" I asked, making my was towards a large tree to take shelter from the rain. Jesy placed her bags down next to mine before pulling a few scrunched up sheets of paper from her jacket pocket. She straightened them out and looked over them.

"This is where we are now"she pointed out a small railway station with her finger. " and this is where we are going." Her finger moved to the opposite side of the page.

"We have to walk all that way!" I said, looking at the sky that showed no signes of the weather getting better.

Just as I said that we both heard a big clap of thunder and the rain turn to hail.

" we'd better get going then, don't want to get lost in this" she gestured her hand towards the sky as she spoke. We looked up as another clap of thunder came from the sky, closely followed by a flash of lightning. With that, we set of towards our new home.


Hope you liked that( ^•^)
Getting really excited for the third album ;) xxx don't forget to comment if you want leighade or not xxx

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