cute moments

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Word count - 556
Warnings - A little bit of swearing, sadness and a cliffhanger
A/N - SORRY! I haven't been updating again! Don't worry I have no more school so now I think I could post more! :) but don't be scared to give REQUESTS I NEED REQUESTS! Hope you like this one bai!

I was scrolling through a little box of cute pictures of me and Noah, I grab one of the photos and smile at the moment remembering the time we had a baking disaster.

Moment # uno -

Y/N had been taking a nap while Noah was watching tv. Noah was watching some baking show (for some odd reason) and came up with the idea to bake cupcakes. So Noah had left the house to go get the ingredients and left Y/N alone sleeping.

When Noah got back to the house Y/N was still sleeping and Noah needed help getting all the stuff inside so he called for Y/N.

I had fallen off the couch hearing Noah call my name 'Oh brother what have you gotten yourself into?' I think to my self. "One second I'm coming!" I yell putting my slippers on and running outside. I see him with a bag of flour, a carton of eggs, milk and cupcake mix. I shake my head "Where in Narnia do you have the time to get this stuff?" I ask "Well actually-" "It was a rhetorical question" I say cutting him off.

-A time skip brought to you by Tom and Jerry!-

Oof let me tell you we made the biggest mess ever. I turn to Noah and shake my head "You should have just bought cupcakes!" He shrugs his Shoulders. I look at the floor and see Flour, cracked eggs and to be honest the floor looks like snow. *Knock knock* I run to the door and open it to see my Y/S/N (If you don't have a sibling pick a person!) "Y/N! You've made a Fucking mess!" Y/S/N yells, "In my defense it wasn't my idea!" I yell back. Y/S/N rolls her eyes and yells "Well clean it up I'm going to Im going to have a special guest come!" She says stomping up the stairs. "She's probably going to have her boyfriend come" We laugh by We I mean me and Noah.

-Back to reality-

I smile and a tear comes down my face as I pick up another moment.

Moment # Dos -


Today was a rough day at Work/School and not to mention it was very tiring. I walked through the doors hoping that Noah hadn't made a mess in the house like he would do because Y/S/N would be mad at me. I smile because he didn't which means no more work to do I sit down next to him and look at what he was watching. 13 Reasons why Well it is a great show but I sigh anyway because I'm extra like that jk I just didn't feel like watching. Noah turns to me and asks "What's up Y/N? Rough day?" I nod "Well you know what the means? A cuddle party!" I laugh as he attacks me with cuddles.

-Back to reality again-

I wish I could have re lived these moments oh I wish, but like always things come to and end and some of the things are relationships. I sit their crying no crying doesn't seem right I sit there sobbing my heart out. I hear a knock on the door and I go to open it and see...

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