Don't Hurt Me (Jercy highschool AU fanfic)

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Jason's POV

Being the captain of the football team makes me one of those popular kids. Being one of those popular kids makes me a jerk. I can't deny that I am a jerk, but I would say that I am more of a bully than a jerk. Am I proud of being a bully? No, not at all. I don't want to be a bully, but it's the "cool thing to do" in the popular group. My team makes me attack this kid on the swim team, I think his name is Perry Johnson or something, he is openly gay making him an "easy target" but my team makes me physically hurt him as well as tease him, embarrass him in front of everyone, and every day I have to spit in his face and call him a fag. I hate it. I hate having to hurt him, I know what its like getting hit in the face, pushed over, kicked, and punched. I hate putting him through that. Everyone does it to him though, random people kick him or push him over when he has a big stack of books in his hands. It's not right. Perry doesn't deserve to be bullied, no one does. I hate seeing him flinch every time I walk near him, I hate watching him cry, I hate seeing him eat his lunch in the bathrooms, I hate that I hurt him so much.

Percy's POV

Being on the swim team is hard. Being the only openly gay kid on the swim team makes it even harder. I have to wear and very small suit, and wearing a very small suit means that people can see the bruises. No one says anything about them though. I don't get hurt at home, I get hurt at school. Jason Grace, captain of the football team, one of the most popular kids at school, and my bully. Jason is tall, blonde, and is number one on my list of "Extremly hot guys that I can not/will not have." Yeah, I have a list. He finds it fun to beat me up every day, spit in my face and call me a fag every day, and constantly embarrass me in front of everyone. Being the baby that I am, I never have the guts to stand up for myself and end the constant bullying. Maybe I don't have the guts to do it because he's punched me in the gut so many times. I hate flinching every time he walks near me, I hate crying because he continues to hurt me, I hate eating my lunch in the bathrooms, I hate that he hurts me so much.


A/N Hey! This is basically the prologue to this fanfiction. I hope that you like it if you read it! Tell me what you think please!! Bye!



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